School News

Southey Street Drainage Works
The Loddon Shire has advised us that underground drainage works will commence in Southey & North Street between 17th February and 30th April. School drop off and pick up may be impacted during this time, further notice will be provided.
School Saving Bonus
For those families who have applied for the School Saving Bonus, rebates will be applied to your school fee statements in Term 2, once your Health Care Cards have been validated. Please ensure if you have a Health Care Card and you haven't already done so, let the office know.
School Lunch Orders
Lunch order day is Thursday. If you would like your child to have a lunch order, please bring their lunch order envelope with payment to school by Wednesday. Lunch order envelopes are available at reception. We have been advised today of a price increase from Bridgewater Bakehouse. Please see the new prices and adjust your orders accordingly commencing next week.
School Absence
When a child is absent, a phone call to the school or a Parent Notified Absence via PAM prior to 9am, is expected, to explain the absence. Any unexplained absence will be followed up each day. Children who arrive late to school need to be signed in by a parent/guardian at the front office. Parents who pick up children during the day are asked to sign the child/children out, and if they return on the same day, they are asked to sign them in again.
Next Thursday is an excellent opportunity to attend the Parent Information Session and learn about Magnify. We will also discuss new initiatives and programs the students will participate in. This is a great time to ask questions and gain more information about your child's learning. To conclude, we will celebrate with our annual community BBQ.
School Hours
Students can be dropped off at school after 8:30am, where they will be supervised. We kindly request that students refrain from arriving on the premises before this time. We conclude school at 3:20pm.
Out-hours School Care
If you require out-of-hours school care, St Mary's has organised supervised transport to and from In2Schools, which conducts its business at Inglewood Primary School. The fees are heavily subsidised for families with a Health Care card. To access the care, you first need to enrol using the following link. We already have several families on board and encourage you to use the service if required.
For further information, please contact
St Mary's IDHS Community Garden
We would love it if we could have family members head up to the community garden each week to support the watering of the garden beds. You are welcome to take any produce that you would like from our garden.
Class Newsletters