Health & Wellbeing

CHS Wellbeing Team
On behalf of the Student Wellbeing Team, we extend a warm welcome to all new students and families joining the CHS community!
We recognise that starting something new can be a blend of excitement and apprehension. Embarking on a fresh chapter offers opportunities for personal growth, academic exploration, and lasting friendships. However, navigating unfamiliar territory and adjusting to new routines can also bring uncertainties and anxieties. New schedules, adapting to academic expectations and building new relationships can come with challenges. Remember, experiencing nervousness or feeling overwhelmed is entirely normal. Just like mastering any new skill, acclimatising to a new environment requires time and patience..
The Wellbeing Team is here to support the students and families of our community and can provide support in many ways:
Someone to talk to: Our team consists of a range of health and wellbeing specialists and can support students with;
Low mood, depression and anxiety
Health concerns, diet, sleep, vaping, alcohol use, sex education
Family and friendship difficulties, school attendance, student safety
Additional educational and emotional support needs
Guidance navigating academic or social challenges: Our team can connect you with resources, strategies and referrals to help students facing difficulties both in and out of school.
Group programs and activities: Throughout the year the team facilitates a range of group sessions and programs aimed at empowering our students, some topics covered this year are; study techniques and skills, relationships, building friendships, school engagement, mental health
A friendly face: We're happy to offer a warm welcome and help students to build their connection with CHS
Starting a new year is big, but remember, your peers are in this transition with you, and many resources are available to help you build a strong support network:
Headspace: - National youth mental health organisation offering online resources and confidential counseling.
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 - 24/7 phone and online counseling service for young people.
Youth Beyond Blue: call 1300 22 4636- National organisation providing information and support for young people experiencing anxiety or depression.
Lifeline: 13 11 14 - 24/7 crisis support phone line.
Reachout: - online counselling, resources and information
Do not hesitate to reach out to your teachers, Student support team, or any member of the Student Wellbeing Team if you would like further information or support.
Sasha Martin - Wellbeing Team Leader and Social Worker: Sasha brings extensive experience working with young people in the healthcare system. She's passionate about youth mental health and offers her expertise and guidance to the team around complex mental health presentations. Sasha offers highly effective therapeutic interventions and strategies to empower students connection to school, themselves and their community.
Natalie Henry - Health Promotion Nurse:
Nait Casamento - Wellbeing Officer: Nait is passionate about the connection between physical and mental health. With experience supporting students with high needs in the education system, he plays a key role in identifying the school's wellbeing requirements and implementing programs that address and support the school community. He also provides responsive individual support on a needs basis.
Shanti Petronzio - Mental Health Practitioner: New to the team, Shanti brings her expertise as a social worker from the Royal Children's Hospital. She offers individual counselling, helping students navigate emotional challenges, with a focus on addressing the mental health needs of students, with a strong sense of commitment and empathy for young people.
Belle Dolin - Youth Worker: Belle focuses on re-engaging students facing barriers to participation and attendance at Coburg High. Her experience working with school refusal, CALD communities, and neurodiverse students allows her to connect with students on their individual terms and provide support at school and via outreach.
The Student Wellbeing Team
Asthma & Anaphylaxis Action Plans (due 14 March 2025)
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma or Anaphylaxis, we are required to have a current Action Plan on file from your GP. If you have already handed one in then please disregard this notice.
Plans can be submitted either via email to or handed in to Reception.
If you currently have medication and/or Action Plans at school and would like the medical officer to check the expiry dates, please send an email to Mel at the above email address.
**Please note Asthma & Anaphylaxis Plans are only valid for 12 months and must be updated Annually**