Mobile Phone Policy Reminder
A reminder to students that as per the DET Mobile Phone Policy, students found using their mobile phone may result in confiscation when students are found to be accessing their mobile phone during the school day.
Surf Coast Secondary College understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Surf Coast Secondary College during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted. Exceptions are usually only granted for medical or safety reasons. Mobile phones cannot be used for canteen payments.
Mobile phones owned by students at Surf Coast Secondary College are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk. Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Please note that Surf Coast Secondary College does not have accident insurance for accidental property damage or theft.
Students and their parents/carers are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items.
At Surf Coast Secondary College:
Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours – this includes during recess and lunchtime. Phone should remain in the students’ locker during the school day at all times.
When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office on 03 5261 6633.
Repeated instances of a student being found accessing their mobile phone in school time will result in parents being asked to attend a meeting to make a plan for how the phone will be managed at school moving forward. We appreciate you working in partnership with us to ensure that the College, and its students, are compliant with this legislative requirement.
More information can also be found on the Department of Education’s website.