From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

This is our final Bernardo for the year. We will publish a list of staff and our 2025 calendar next Monday for your information.


As our year draws to a close, we are very grateful for the many events and experiences we were able to provide and enjoy. These included, camps for each level, excursions, incursions, Mother’s, Father’s and Grandparents celebrations, tabloid sports to launch our new house colour names, our ‘One Night Only’ Art show and premiere of our stop motion clips, as well as exciting learning across all curriculum areas. None of this happens in a school without the help and support of others whom we would like to acknowledge:-


Thank you to these people who make our school the wonderful place it is.

  • Fr Leo for his support of our school. Fr Leo truly cares for each member of our community and he is always available for everyone. 
  • The staff for their incredible efforts in facing new challenges, for their professionalism, hard work and dedication to ensuring the very best for our students. I wish them a restful relaxing and enjoyable break.
  • The Leadership Team - Iain Reed and Franca Fragomeni who support me, our staff and students in all the work, seen and unseen, that they do.
  • The parents who have supported the students and staff throughout the year. Our BPC who have facilitated discos, raffles, walkathon and Bunnings BBQ. Our Garden Group have continued to build our amazing Community Garden, we’ve had stalls, garden working bees, parent helpers and all have been so well supported. Thank you for your flexibility, understanding, passion, support and working with us to ensure the very best for your child.
  • The amazing students of our school. They are the reason we exist and we are so very proud of the learners they have been. They have shown resilience, persistence and all the qualities we know that a successful learner has. They have approached learning with enthusiasm and interest and have made each day an adventure. Congratulations on all you have achieved this year.
  • To Glen, our Crossing Supervisor, thankyou for keeping us all safe and for being such a fun and caring friend to all.
  • To Carmel, Nadia and the Team at OSHC. We are so fortunate to have such a thriving, unique and special service for our school.

On behalf of Fr Leo, and the staff, I would like to wish each of you every blessing of this Christmas and hope you have a wonderful, enjoyable and relaxing holiday break.


Student Leaders

This year we have continued to evolve our Student Leadership program which began last year in preparation for 2024. As part of that process, we have taken on feedback from our current students leaders and rather than have two School Captains and two Vice Captains, we are trialling having four captains. Students were chosen on merit, their application, their contribution to the school over past years, their willingness to step outside their comfort zones and rise to the challenges offered and who always display our learner qualities.  


We are very proud to announce that our 2025 Student Leaders are :

School Captains

Ofelia, Harry, Angus M and Angus F.

Fire Carrier Leader


Sustainability Leaders

Isobel & Herb

Sports Leaders

Sam & Ella 


Report Feedback for 3/4 M 

Report feedback for 3/4 M is on this Thursday 12th December, 3.40pm - 6.30pm. Attendance is not compulsory.

The code is : q6w52


'Step Up'  Session

Students will participate in a ‘Step Up' Session with their 2025 teacher and classmates on Friday 13th December from 11:30am - 12:30pm.



We will have our last assembly this Friday 13th December, at 3pm in the hall.


Carols - Monday 16th Dec 

We are cautiously watching the weather forecast over the next 24 hours in relation to our Carols celebration scheduled for Monday 16th December, at 5:00pm. We need to ensure the safety, wellbeing & comfort of all concerned so will monitor the forecast and make a decision on Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately we cannot use the Church as it is not cooled or air conditioned so whilst it would therefore provide an indoor venue, it may be extremely hot inside causing other issues, and our hall cannot accommodate everyone. Our back up plan will be Friday afternoon at 2:30pm in the yard. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you updated


Year 6 Graduation

Our Year 6s will celebrate their Graduation with a Mass and Presentation in the Church on Thursday 12th December beginning at 5:00pm. A dinner arranged by the Parent Graduation Committee will follow the Mass.


End of Year Mass

Our End of Year Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 17th December at 9:30am. We would love as many families as possible to join us in the Church as we celebrate and thank God, our Father, for another wonderful year.  Families are welcome to sit with their children's class at this mass.


Students finish at 1:00pm on this last day of school. We will farewell our Year 6 students in a guard of honour, so please join us in the school yard to wish them well.

OSHC is available and bookings are essential. 


Exciting News - Chess & Dance Clubs in 2025

We are so excited to confirm that Chess Club and Dance Club will be running beginning in Term 1. Chess Club will be facilitated by Chessmates and Dance Club facilitated by Kelly Sports. Both companies have met all the child safety and liability requirements and have come to us highly recommended. We are thrilled to be partnering with them. Bookings can now be made through the QR codes on each of the flyers attached. If you expressed interest please register as soon as possible as Dance begins on Monday 3rd February and Chess on Wednesday 5th February and we want to ensure all those who are interested get a place.

Barrow Street Trial Closure

The Council will be sharing some information with us later this week regarding the trial closure of Barrow Street at Harding Street, which begins whilst we are on school holidays. Please keep an eye out for this letter in your child’s bag.


2025 School Fees and Levies

We have an updated School Fee and Levy Policy for 2025.  Whilst we aim to limit any increase, our rising costs necessitate this as we need to be able to meet our financial obligations. A letter has been sent out to families on Audiri and it is attached for your information. If any family experiences any difficulties paying their fees, please contact the Office to arrange a time to meet with me.


'Getting to Know You' Session 2025

On Wednesday 29th January we will have our ‘Getting to Know You' Session for students from Years 1-6.  This is an invaluable opportunity for families to meet with their child’s 2025 teacher and for staff to learn more about each child from the people who know them best. Information about bookings can be found in the envelope containing the reports. A sheet, ‘Ten Things about Me’ will also be included, for you to complete with your child. We ask that you bring this with you to your appointment. Attendance is compulsory for Years 1-6 and each student must attend with at least one parent, both are welcome of course. 


Year 1-6 Session

This will be held on Wednesday 29th January 2025 from 9:00am - 3.30pm. Each session is 10 minutes.  Bookings open on Monday 16th December at 9.00am (please note change of date).  The booking code is: jbz7u.

Please book online at


Foundation 2025

The Foundation sessions will be held on Wednesday 5th February 2025 from 9:00am - 3:30pm for 10 minutes. Bookings opened on Monday 2nd December.  

The booking code is: d45qe


Term Dates

The school office will close on Tuesday 17th December at 1:00pm and reopen on Tuesday 28th January 2025.   

We will announce the staff for 2025 and their roles and some important calendar dates in our Mini Bernardo next Monday 16th.


Farewell & Best Wishes to our Year 6s 

Adrian, Allegra, Amira, Audrey, Austin, Ava, Christiano, Eloise, Favian, Harrison, Henry, Isabella, James, Jason, Liam, Mariana, Matteo, Monique, Sarah, Siena, Raph, Reggie, Roman & Zara.


Good luck to those students leaving St Bernard's, Ava B, Chiara, Chloe, Luca, Carter and Harvey. Farewell to the families leaving St. Bernard's thank you for your contribution to our school community.

'Something to Think About'

As we enter this most exciting time of year, this beautiful song reminds us of the special Holy Night. Wishing all our community every blessing of Christmas.


Joanne Doherty 
