Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 5 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher

OLF Cross Country Trial

The OLF Cross Country Trial is being held on Friday 14th March (Week 6, Term 1). The trial is for students aged 8 years - 13 years. There are two race divisions:

  • Competitive
  • Grade 

Please complete this registration form if your child would like to participate in the competitive division. Students must be able to complete the following distance in a timely manner and without walking:

  • 8/9 years: 2 km
  • 10 years: 2 km
  • 11 years: 3 km
  • 12/13 years: 3 km

Note: Nominations close Thursday 6th March.

All other students in Years 3 - 6 will participate in a fun run on the day with their grade. 

2025 Pathway Sports

Pathway Sports are sporting trials held to enable a student to represent and participate at various levels. Only students in Year 5 and 6 (2025) are eligible for the following 2025 Pathway Sports:

  • Touch Football (Boys and Girls)
  • Rugby Union 15s (Boys)
  • Rugby Union 7s (Girls) 

Students in Year 4, 5 and 6 are eligible for the following 2025 Pathway Sports: 

  • Diving (Boys and Girls)
  • Softball (Boys and Girls)
  • AFL (Girls). Must be turning 10, 11 or 12 in the year of competition (2025)

As each school can only nominate a certain number of students for each sport, the process for selection is:

1. The student is to demonstrate a high level of skill development and talent in the sport

2. The student is to have experience playing in regular competition outside of school

3. In the event of having more students than the allocated number (4) to attend the trial, a school trial may be held to determine nominees. Only one school trial will be held.


If your child meets the above criteria and would like the opportunity to trial, please fill in this registration form.  Note: Registrations close on 28th February. 


Conference 3 Swimming Championships

On the 10th of February we had 33 students compete at the Conference 3 Swimming Carnival. While the weather may have brought an early end to the day, our students made many achievements! We are so proud of everyone who participated, showing incredible determination, sportsmanship, and team spirit. With outstanding efforts and personal best, it was a celebration of hard work and perseverance. 


Well done to the following students for attending the championships:

Lucas A, Braxton B, Hunter B, Quinn B, Lincoln B, Lachlan B, Mia B, Archie C, Ainsley, C, April C, Alexis D, Mason D, Georgie E, Luca F, Alana, G, Jacob G, Batiste G, Noah H, Asher H, Maddison L, Fleur L, Jenkin M, Safari M, Indie M, Henry O, Kendyll P, Charlize Q, Odette S, Axel S, Hunter S, Nate S, Evie T and Eavean Y. 


The results for the events that were impacted by the weather will be finalised and communicated early next week.


Here are some of the exceptional results from the day:


Alexis D - 2nd in 100m Freestyle, 2nd in 50m Freestyle 

Kendyll P - 6th in 50m Freestyle 


11 Years:

Mia B - 2nd in 50m Freestyle 

April C - 4th in 50m Freestyle 

Braxton B - 1st in 50m Freestyle 

Hunter B - 3rd in 50m Freestyle 



Lachlan C - 4th in 50m Freestyle 

Mason D - 6th in 50m Freestyle 

Noah H - 5th in 50m Freestyle 

Asher H - 2nd in 50m Freestyle

Nate S - 3rd in 50m Freestyle



Braxton B, Hunter B, Jacob G, Hunter S - 1st in Sr Boys Relay

Mia B, April C, Alexis D, Fleur L - 1st in Sr Girls Relay 

Noah H, Asher H, Henry O, Nate S - 1st in Jr Boys Relay

Alana G, Indie M, Charlize Q, Evie T - 4th in Jr Girls Relay

Conference 3 Rugby League

Congratulations to the following boys who were selected at the recent Conference 3 Rugby League Trial for demonstrating outstanding talent, skill and teamwork:

11 Years: Harvey B, Flynn B and Atticus I

12 Years: Ryan C, Nash C and Samuel Y


We wish you the best of luck at the Sydney trial. 

OLF Dance Ensemble 

This year, Our Lady of Fatima will be providing the opportunity for students to participate in the Dance Ensemble. This is a selective program for children who display exceptional skills in dance. 


To be accepted students are required to submit a video of themselves performing a short excerpt of a choreographed piece in a dance genre of their choice. The video is to be no longer than two minutes in length and should showcase their potential and abilities. Additionally, students will also learn a short choreography piece and perform in person as part of the audition process. Students must attend a dance school outside of school hours to be eligible to audition.


The video is to be submitted by Sunday 16th of February.

In person auditions will be held on Monday 17th of February


Submission can be sent to Miss Reid.  Email: 

(If the file is too large- the video can be submitted via USB) 

Year 4 - 6 Gymnastics Program

Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will participate in a 6 week gymnastics program commencing in Week 4 to Week 10. The program is led by Fit Futures and will be held on Fridays, with 40 minute sessions. Students will develop essential skills, enjoy expert instruction, and engage in activities designed to boost confidence and fitness. The program is designed to enhance their physical skills and overall fitness such as;

  • Skill Development: They will have the chance to learn and practice fundamental gymnastics skills, including balance, flexibility, strength, and coordination.

  • Expert Instruction: Fit Futures’ experienced and certified coaches will lead the sessions, ensuring that all activities are both safe and enjoyable.

  • Engaging Activities: The program will feature a variety of activities tailored to different skill levels, from basic gymnastic movements to more advanced techniques.

  • Confidence Building: Through fun and supportive exercises, students will gain confidence in their abilities, enhance their body awareness, and improve their overall fitness.

OLF on the Weekend


Our students had great success at the NSW Oztag State Cup!



League Stars Program 

We are excited to announce an upcoming 6 week NRL program for students in Years 3 - 6, running before school on the oval opposite the school now starting in  Week 4 on Tuesday 18/2/25. In partnership with the Sharks NRL Association and run by Quincy Dodd, this program offers a fantastic opportunity for students to develop essential rugby league skills, including passing, tackling, and teamwork. It’s a great way for students to get active and learn new skills in a fun and supportive environment. With the program held on the oval opposite the school, it’s easy for students to participate before heading to class. Don’t miss out – click on the link below to register. 


To Register please click on the registration link below -







Mrs Taylar Stewart | Sports Co-ordinator & Year 5 Teacher









Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher