Religious Education

Mrs Cheryl Ross| Religious Education Coordinator




What a busy start we have had to the beginning of the 2025 school year! Lots to celebrate and be thankful for!!!

Opening School Year Mass

Today we came together to celebrate the beginning of our new school year and to ask God’s blessing on the year that is to come. 


At this Mass the Sports Captains and student SRC members were commissioned. The Kinder students joined us during the Reflection of the Mass. We had a very special welcome in store for them! 

Grade Masses

Each Friday one grade (from Years 3-6) will attend the 9.15am Parish Mass. This has been a tradition here at OLF for a few years! You are always most welcome to join in these Masses. The children usually lead the readings and Prayers of the Faithful and after Mass they have the opportunity to ask the celebrating priest questions about faith, liturgical life or ….something that they just want to know more about in terms of their faith. 


The next grade Mass is: Year 5  On Friday Week 3

Followed by Year 4 on Friday Week 4: 1st March


What is Jubilee 2025?

Every 25 years since 1300, the Catholic Church holds a special celebration called the Jubilee Year. This is a time of reset, where the land and the people rest and we focus on our relationships with others and with God.  


“During the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.”   Pope Francis


So what does the Year of Jubilee mean to us ??? Click on this link to find out more ! 


As was said at our Assembly on Monday…. Why did we need a special year for this?


Well, sometimes we all need to “reset” anything that has gone off course. Like someone driving a car or steering a ship, sometimes we can drift away from where we’re supposed to be going in life. The Jubilee Year is a time to get back on track, all together, as one big Church family around the world. 


 The Jubilee reminds us to walk with Jesus every day. 


May this year be a time to ‘reset’ our focus on our relationship with God!


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!      





Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator