News from our
Assistant Principal
Louise Gordon
News from our
Assistant Principal
Louise Gordon
To assist teachers to provide an engaging learning experience to meet the needs of your child you are invited to attend a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview (optional) during Weeks Three and Four on the school site. A student information questionnaire has been sent to parents to assist teachers to learn more about your child’s interests and learning styles. Please return these surveys to your child’s classroom teacher.
In Week Three on Wednesday 19th February interviews will commence at 3.10pm and conclude at 6.00pm.
In Week Four on Wednesday 29th February interviews will commence at 3.10pm and conclude at 4.30pm.
If you wish to attend a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview please complete the interview booking portal located on our school online web system: COMPASS. If using the APP select menu/conferences/2025 Meet and Greet. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to cancel or reschedule your interview time.
This year the school would like to extend an invitation for parent volunteers to assist in the classrooms, at sporting events and excursions. Sydney Catholic Schools is dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students.
In accordance with the SCS’s child safe school’s practices the following is required for all school volunteers:
• Attend an induction session run by the relevant SCS school. This will include expectations for volunteers working in a school environment or assisting at excursions or sporting events
•Complete the Child Safe online induction course
• Read the documents in the Child Safe Schools Resource Kit for Volunteers
• The relevant Principal/Manager will review the application to volunteer
• If approved, you will be registered at the school as a volunteer
• If the Principal/Manager has a concern about your suitability to be a volunteer, they will communicate the concern with you
Please also access the Volunteering in Schools Resource Kit for further information.
Parents who would like to be volunteers at the school during the school year are invited to attend our Working With Children Parent Induction sessions on:
Wednesday 19th February at 3.30pm and 6.00pm
Wednesday 26th February at 3.30pm and 4.30pm
Friday 28th February at 8.30am
These sessions will be held in the Library.
School attendance plays a critical role in enhancing the lives of students in schools. Every day of attendance adds to a student’s academic achievement and success at school, and conversely every absence, can impact their learning and progress. The reasons for student absence must be provided within 7 days of the absence. Please be reminded that late arrivals to school are recorded as a partial absence with the school day commencing at 8.55am.
We ask that parents/carers may approach the school to seek permission for extended leave for their child to travel during school term. Extended leave is considered to be 5 or more days during the school term for the purpose of a family holiday, family business, bereavement or other reasons.
Parents/carers must complete and submit the Application for Extended Leave (Available on Compass) prior to commencing leave to apply for extended leave in writing to the principal directly.
Students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in the NAPLAN online tests commencing on Wednesday 12th March. The online testing period will conclude on Friday 24th March . The NAPLAN tests are designed to provide a summative, nationally comparable understanding of student performance in writing, reading, conventions of language and numeracy.
NAPLAN online provides better assessment, more precise results and a faster turnaround of information. NAPLAN online is a tailored test that adapts to student responses, presenting students with questions that may be more or less difficult depending on their ability – resulting in better assessment and more precise results. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a series of online practice tests prior to the testing date.
The NAPLAN timetable will be shared with parents prior to the testing period.
All students will require a set of working wired headphones for test participation. (Note: not bluetooth)
The student reports for parents will be distributed once they have been received by the school. If you have any further questions please contact your child’s class teacher.
Parents please view the following information providing further information and examples of practice tests:
The NAPLAN 2025 Parent and Carer brochure may be accessed via the link below with information related to the NAPLAN tests and how parents can support their child:
At Our Lady of Fatima we value the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. In the interest of the school community and in particular those who use the car line service we remind parents of the following:
Pick up times and any changes to these times for students K- 6 will be communicated via COMPASS/ SMS text. Please inform the office of any changes to your child’s pick up arrangements.
Parents and visitors are to drive at a safe speed (not exceeding 5km) when on the parish and school grounds
When dropping or picking up your child /children DO NOT exit your vehicles. If your child is unable to leave or enter the vehicle unaided you are asked to park off site and walk to the school to collect your child from the oval or school exit gates
DO NOT open car boots this is a safety hazard. Please have your child’s/children’s bags in the vehicle
Please remind your child/children not to walk between cars after exiting the car and to use the pedestrian crossing at all times. Please note that walking between cars is extremely dangerous
Display the family name in large, clear letters on the dashboard for easy identification at pick up
For ease of traffic flow please drive down to the second speed hump when directed
Do not stop over the pedestrian crossing.
Parents are not permitted to park in the staff car park for drop off or pick up and are asked not to park in surrounding business car parks.
Roads and Traffic Officers will visit every school throughout the Sutherland Shire in the first few weeks of term, at drop off or pick up times as part of an education program, answering any questions that people may have about parking around schools and about the road rules that apply. Please access the following flyers related too Road Safety in the school community.
FACT SHEET Road Safety for Kindergarten Parents
School supervision commences at 8.20am each morning and concludes at 3.30pm. Please refrain from dropping students off or picking students up from Burn’s Lane as this is a public road that can be very busy. Students are not to be dropped off or picked up from the Staff Car Park.
Only students in Years 4-6 are permitted to ride their bicycle to and from school after having completed a bike permission form and attending a school based safety induction. Bicycles will be stored in a designated area outside Keller Hall during the school day.
Before students who require crutches or a supportive boot after an injury attend school, the parents and the student must complete a school-based safety induction. This ensures that the child can be safely supported on the school premises.
Mind Quest is a fast-paced, academic program that offers 35 exciting courses for High Potential and Gifted Students from Years 1-6. It is designed to enrich and extend children’s learning through a broad range of experiences that are one or two years beyond students’ year level and the scope of the general curriculum.
These highly successful, fun-filled weekends offer students the opportunity to meet other students of similar interests and abilities. If your child needs advanced placement please call Mind Quest on 02 9748 1084.
Closing date for applications is 14th March 2025.
Please access the link below for enrolment.
How do I apply for a Secondary Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school?
All applications for enrolment to Sydney Catholic Schools are processed in accordance with the SCS Enrolment Policy. In order to apply for placement within a Newman Selective Gifted Education Program Secondary class/cluster, students must first be enrolled in the school.
Parents are encouraged to visit prospective feeder Secondary schools during Open Days or view school websites online for information relating to enrolment. If the Secondary school is a Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school, information about their program may also be available.
Who is able to be nominated for a placement in a Secondary Newman Selective class/cluster?
Once your child has been enrolled in a Secondary Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school, you will be informed of an opportunity to nominate your child to apply for a placement in the Newman Selective classes/clusters. This involves the submission of a Parent Nomination form and includes your child’s participation in the Newman Selective Higher Ability Assessment.
Please access the following link:
Newman Selection Processes for Secondary Schools
Please DO NOT park in the pre-school or church/parish allocated parking spots. These spaces are to be left available for specific use and our school parents should NOT be parking in these areas.
If you are not using the car line please park off site and walk your children into and out of the school.
Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal