News from our Principal 

Dear Parents and carers,


Welcome back to another school year! As Week 2 comes to an end we have already settled into new routines, new classrooms, spent time getting to know new teachers and welcomed our new Kindergarten cohort. The school year promises to be full of new discoveries, friendships, and exciting challenges. We are committed to fostering a love for learning, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and instilling values that will help our students grow into well-rounded individuals. Our Annual School Improvement Goals in 2025 will focus on:

  • Improved learning growth in Reading and Mathematics

  • Differentiation evident in all classrooms 

  • Unpacking Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction and SCS “What Excellent Teachers Do” framework with teachers.  

SCS’s theme for 2025 is “May we always seek what is good, true and beautiful”. We are all called to be witnesses in this world seeking to promote what is good, true and beautiful in creation, in our homes, on the sporting fields, on our playgrounds and in our classrooms, in our everyday lives and here at school at Our Lady of Fatima. In this jubilee year, let us support each other and walk together as ”Pilgrims of Hope”. My hope  for everyone this year is that we continue to be curious and are able to thrive by being the best version of ourselves.


Updated Parent Charter

SCS has released an updated version of the "Parent Charter" which clearly outlines guidelines that support and underpin the relationship between parents and schools whereby mutual respect and dignity can flourish in a positive and meaningful way. Mrs Gordon will be unpacking this document at each of her Parent Induction sessions. The Sydney Catholic Schools Parent Charter is available here for you to access.


Parent Representative Meeting

We value our partnership with you, the parents, and invite you to the first Parent Rep Meeting for the year. It will be held on Thursday 27th February at 2:15pm.   Please make the effort to join us if possible to contribute to the life of the school and get involved!


New 2025 School Captains

I congratulate our School Captains for 2025, Alexis, Axel, Jasmine and Archie as they begin their leadership journey at OLF. They have already displayed an enthusiasm in embracing their leadership as they represent the students at OLF. I look forward to working closely with them throughout the year ahead as they support me in leading the school!


Axel Slater - School Captain

Alexis Daly - School Captain


Archie Callanan - Vice Captain

Jasmine Bohlsen - Vice Captain









Mrs Sue Clay | Principal