Canteen is now open

About the Kalinda Canteen
Days open are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Can you help?
A great place to help around Kalinda is in the canteen! All you need is a current WWCC, and also complete a quick food safety course ( which is online) The students love seeing a familiar face in the Canteen, and it is a wonderful help to Rachel, our canteen manager.
Please contact the office if you require any further details.
At Kalinda, we use the phone app QKR to order and pay for Canteen items.
Please search your phone store for this app, and download it.
Under the discover tab, seach for Kalinda Primary School.
Please ensure that you enter the correct grade for your child. This will ensure that the order is sent to the correct class room. (This is the second tab in the Kalinda tab)
Once you are in the Kalinda Primary School profile, there are two tabs on the left hand side - Menu, and Profile.
If you open the Menu tab, the first view is the available dates.
Orders close at 8.30am in the morning, for that day.
Please take the time to ensure that your order is correct, and you have the correct date
( there are no excursions etc for your child's level on that day )
Please make the correct choices that are appropriate to your family's ( and your child's ) dietary needs and requirements.