Important Information
Hello school community!
As some of you may know, our Magic Netball Team has had a very successful 3 seasons playing in the Whitehorse Netball Association! We now have the opportunity to enter another team in the Monday Go competition (part of the Woolworths Net Set Go program). Games are Monday nights from 4pm at Sportlink Vermont. The Monday competition starts at a beginner's level and is suitable for both girls and boys in grades 2 and 3.
It presents a terrific opportunity to be introduced to and learn the game of netball. If your son or daughter is in grade 2 or 3 in 2025 and would like to start playing for Magic (MPRPS team), then please register your interest at
Please note: Registrations close soon so we would need to move reasonably quickly. We’d love to get another school-based team up and running! GO MAGIC!!
School Lunch Orders - Thursdays
Lunch orders are back every Thursday! Please find attached the menu to see what is available. Orders will need to be placed via the Flexischools App.
Parent Reps for each class for 2024
FC - Justine Williams
FE - Belinda Stapleton and Tony Chung
FT - Noureen Changani
1/2A - Anna Dowling
1/2KS - Ritika Verma
1/2M - Georgie Hill
1/2S - Eunice Ouano
1/2E - Farzad Aghakarim Alamdara
3/4RM - Sally Harris
3/4B - Sarah Kirby
3/4W - Mais Sukkar
3/4S - Dayna Bailey
3/4K - Veronica Iredale and Kirsty Ojeda
5/6N - Jodi Vale
5/6S - Sarah Kirby
5/6E - Vaishali Jain
5/6FL - Ruchita Modi
5/6C - Vaishali Jain