First Steps Centre

Important Dates

Monday 16th December: Dharug last day and Christmas concert 1:15 pm. 

Monday 16th December: Budja last day and Christmas concert 2:30 pm. 

Tuesday 17th December: Marram last day and Christmas concert 2:15 pm. 

Tuesday 17th December: Gawarn last day and Christmas concert 2:30 pm


It has been such a wonderful, calm and productive final week of kinder! The children have been engineering with pipes and bamboo channels in the creek, and bathing in ‘foot spas’ in the sandpit, playing picnics both indoors and out, and collaborating with one another by building complex train tracks across the room. We are all looking forward to celebrating our final day on Monday 16th with a party lunch for children and an end of year concert for families.  


Our Four-Year-Old classes - 

We have really enjoyed our time together this week, excitedly practicing our songs to share at our Christmas concerts with you. We have been busy making costumes to use and reflecting on the incredible year that we have had! 


We look forward to celebrating what has been an incredible year at kinder with all families. Please bring in the party food in the morning along with a snack and water for your child. 





The Kindergarten team!