
String News
Pop-up Christmas music
On Monday 9th December, families arriving through the gate between the hall and Foundation were greeted with the sound of “An octave above” playing Christmas songs under the Foundation balcony.
A nice way to start the week! Thanks to Angelina (6R), Collin (6H), Daniel (6P), Diva (6R), Grace (5S), Jasmine (4C) and Sean (5S) for playing.
There could be more pop-up music coming soon . . .
Start up Strings 2025
I’ve been visiting the Year 1 classes this week to check that anyone who wants to join Start Up Strings in 2025 has registered their interest. If you haven’t registered yet, you can still do so by emailing the Strings Co-ordinator, Margaret Butcher or handing in the form that has been given out in class and is reproduced below. The cello spots have been filled, but you can go on a waiting list for cello or you can choose violin.
If you are interested in the String Program, please contact Margaret Butcher