Year 6 Term 4 Overviews

Year 6 Term 4 Curriculum Outline



Do you remember the day your little one started prep? Well they are on the home stretch of primary school with less than 2 months remaining before being in high school. They have achieved so much this year and the Year 6 team are looking forward to another fantastic term of learning and growth with our students. Please keep supporting them to ensure students are prepared, well-rested and ready for each week. We have an amazing curriculum planned all the way up until the end of week 12.


Term 4 Learning: 


In Reading, students will be extending their knowledge to apply their comprehension skills to multiple plot lines, multiple character perspectives and exploring how genres are combined to create unique perspectives and effects. They will evaluate the techniques authors use to develop characters and story lines and compare and contrast this with text and language features in non-fiction texts. They will also be honing their skills to summarise, read with purpose and look for the bigger picture of the author's purpose. 



In Writing, the students will be exploring the Persuasive text structure. We are excited to see how far students push themselves in a final written piece and look forward to having them debate an issue using all these skills!  We have given students more autonomy in developing their own planning structures and their own assessment criteria as students learn how to more effectively edit and revise their writing piece. With an in-depth exploration of sentence types, noun groups, verb tenses, adverbs and connectives, students will continue to use and develop the 6+1 writing traits to ensure that paragraphs and text structures are fluid and easy to read. 


In Numeracy, students will continue exploring our big idea of ‘Fractional Thinking’, where they will be connecting common fractions, decimals and percentages and applying their knowledge to financial literacy. We are extending their fractional knowledge of addition and subtraction by learning strategies to multiply and divide related fractions.  In ‘properties of number’ they will be able to define square numbers, triangular numbers and extend their fractional thinking in additive and multiplicative number patterns. This thinking will extend into an introduction to patterns in algebra. 


This term our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) will focus on connecting the Personal and Social Capabilities with other SEL learning areas. We will focus on

  • Recognising and appreciating the uniqueness of all people and
  • Identifying personal attributes that are important in developing resilience and collaboration.
  • Ready to Learn plans for all students and identifying values and strengths


RRRR (The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships)

  • Gender Identity and
  • Human Rights


Within Inquiry, we will be exploring Electricity through the lens of the guiding question “How has electricity been created”. We will focus on the conversion of energy into electricity by exploring what electricity is and how different types of energy can be turned into a current that powers the everyday items we take for granted. This learning will be self guided and students may explore how batteries work, how solar panels work, why some things conduct electricity and why others don’t. The students' learning will culminate in production of an electricity generator. .  


General Reminders: 

  • Wear runners on PE days and year 6 sport (Wednesday).
  • Please ensure that you check and log into Compass regularly, as this will be the main portal that we (the teachers) will communicate information with you on. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and achievements, these will be released every five weeks and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry/Social, as well as their next steps (goals). 
  • We have one excursion this term. As a cohort we will be heading to Adventure Park in Geelong to celebrate the amazing year of learning. This excursion will be in Week 10 and payment and consent is due by 30th November. The cost of this excursion is $46.50.
  • If your child will be having an extended absence/holiday, this must be communicated with the school and discussed with leadership. We ask you to avoid/reconsider extended absences at the beginning of the school year in 2024. It will affect the resources the school will have available for the whole year. 



  • Reading: Every night for a minimum of 30 mins, with follow up questions relating to the book. 
  • Practising Ongoing Reporting Goals. 
  • We encourage you to help with any questions your child may have regarding their autobiography. 


Thank you for a wonderful year. It has been a pleasure for us to see your children grow and develop and can’t wait to see what the remainder of the year has in store. 


Year 6 Team!