Year 5 Term 4 Overviews

First Two Weeks:

Everyone has settled into Term 4 extremely well. Term 4 is a slightly longer term being 12 weeks and the first two weeks has seen lots of learning and collaboration take place. The students are getting excited to head off to the camp in Phillip Island in the coming weeks. While on the camp, students who are staying at school will be participating in a non-campers program. 




Reading maintains the focus on developing our students to become balanced readers, where there is an equal emphasis on fluency, decoding and comprehension. As students read more complicated text it is important for them to continue understanding what the text means. Students will continue to develop their clarifying skills through a range of strategies. Invite your child to show you the different strategies they can use to clarify and solve an unknown word or phrase. We will be continuing to focus on the different areas of comprehension - summarising, inferring the author’s message, purpose, oral summary, analyse the writer’s voice, make connections between fiction and non-fiction to make history more vivid and understandable.


This term in writing, we will be exploring writing explanation texts. This will allow us to create explanation texts for different audiences and purposes. We will use the writing process and 6+1 writing traits, with a particular focus on sentence fluency - capturing smooth and rhythmic flow and breaking the rules to create fluency; Voice - creating a connection to the audience. SMART Spelling will explore different spelling patterns to spell different sounds. Handwriting has become a focus this term as we show correct formation of all letters to move onto learning how to write joined letters.

Our Home Reading program continues in Term 4. We have access to books on Epic and the School Library. If your child has misplaced their login details, please have them see their teacher. We encourage all students to borrow a book from the school library, send along a bag for them to place and protect the book. Ask your child what day their class visits the library.



This term Year 5 students will be creating maps that include scale and grid references. We will be using different data sets to create graphs with categorical and numerical data.  Students will be using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with whole numbers, decimal numbers and fractions. 


Our school has a subscription to Mathletics. This is a great resource for your child to practise Maths skills while at home. If your child has misplaced their login details, please contact their classroom teacher.



Our focus this term is Science, are investigating ‘How can I use my understanding of the properties of matter when preparing food? How has knowledge of temperature changed life in the kitchen?’ They will focus on cooking in the school’s student kitchen. The students will observe the different reactions of ingredients to create different foods.



Throughout this term, students will have the opportunity to continue to develop their skills in the DCC values and expectations, in particular respect. They will be listening to each other in Yarning Circles and Campfires and working in Billabongs and Caves on a variety of tasks that focus on their online presence and the impact on their well-being.


We look forward to Term 4. Please come and see your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. After school is best for a quick chat, otherwise send your child’s teacher an email to set up an appointment time for a longer chat.


Bernadette, Paul, Rachel, Courtney, Nathan and Anne