Year 2/3

We are delighted to share with you the exciting journey our students are embarking on in their English and Mathematics classes. This quarter, they are delving into the captivating world of animals, mastering the art of animal reports in English and honing their skills as data visualizers through pictographs and bar graphs in Mathematics.
In our English class, your children are immersing themselves in the world of animals. They are learning not only to appreciate the incredible diversity of creatures that inhabit our planet but also to present their newfound knowledge in the form of well-structured animal reports. The goal of these reports is to enhance their writing skills, research abilities, and communication proficiency. Each report comprises an introduction, detailed description of the animal, information about the animal's habitat, diet along with other interesting facts. By crafting these reports, your children are not only improving their writing but also deepening their understanding of the natural world.
In Mathematics, your children are becoming proficient data visualizers. They are exploring the power of data representation through two essential tools: pictographs and bar graphs.
Pictographs: Using images or symbols to represent data, pictographs make complex information more accessible. For example, they might use pictures of animals to represent the results of a wildlife survey, making the data engaging and easy to understand.
Bar Graphs: Bar graphs are another vital tool for data representation. Your children are learning how to create these graphs with bars representing quantities. For instance, if they are studying the population of different animal species in a wildlife reserve, they can use bar graphs to visually compare their numbers.
MA2-17SP: In pictographs, your children are using images and symbols effectively to represent data, meeting the outcome of selecting and applying appropriate problem-solving strategies.
MA2-18SP: With bar graphs, they're creating clear and accurate representations of data, thereby achieving the outcome of displaying data in tables, picture graphs, and column graphs.
EN2-1A: Your children are developing their writing skills through animal reports. They're researching, organizing information, and presenting ideas coherently, thereby achieving the outcome of producing well-structured texts.
EN2-2A: Through this project, they're using descriptive language to engage their readers and achieve the outcome of using a range of strategies to edit and proofread their work.