HSC Visual Arts

Visual Arts is one area that forces our students to look at the world around them, to notice it, immerse themselves in other cultures and experiences, and to draw directly from it as a source of ideas for their own creativity. Students learn to reflect critically on their own experiences and respond to the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from all over the world. It’s through this, that they then are able to empathise with others and see things from a range of perspectives.
Our Year 12 Art students have been working tirelessly on what has become a year-long project, developing a Body of Work based on a theme of their own choosing. This has been an exciting period for them as they engaged with the world, making observations about society, politics, current events and even their own experiences, to develop concepts and ideas they explored throughout the year in their own artmaking practice.
Congratulations to all our Visual Arts students for the tremendously creative art that they have all produced for their HSC. It is now time to ‘get back on the horse’ and recommit to study and revision schedules in preparation for their final HSC examinations, which are held early in Term 4.
Connie Mandalakoudis I Visual Arts Teacher I Creating and Performing Arts Faculty