Embracing new opportunities

Year 9 - Getting Future Ready!

I am thrilled to share with you the wonderful start to Term 4 that our Year 9 students have had. The first five weeks have been filled with remarkable dedication and effort, especially during the challenging end-of-year assessment period. Our Year 9 students have displayed commendable commitment to their studies, setting a positive tone for the remainder of this term. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to their continued success. 


In Week Four, Year 9 participated in Careers Workshop delivered by the Crazy Ideas College. The Future Ready program offered our students a unique opportunity to explore the rapidly evolving world of work, giving students the chance to identify their talents, consider various career options, and reflect on the contributions they aspire to make in the world.


During this workshop, our Year 9 students crafted their own Future Ready Plans. These plans are designed to outline the skills, capacities, and networks they wish to develop. They will serve as invaluable tools for advancing their career planning and fostering meaningful conversations between students, parents, and our dedicated staff.


By embracing a proactive and optimistic approach, our learners are not only building confidence but also gaining clarity about their future prospects. This initiative will empower our students to make informed decisions about their academic and career paths.


Thank you to our wonderful Careers Team for organising this for our students!

Support Unit Update

This term has seen an action packed and fun first few weeks. Our students have wholeheartedly embraced all sorts of activities including Halloween fun in the library, lots of excursions and work experience where students get to explore the world of work and gain valuable skills. The CHHS Car Wash as part of this work experience program has been a huge hit so far!


Our students in Year 11 attended the Rewards Day to Luna Park which was a day of laughter, joy, and adventure, and our students revelled in every moment. Year 7 attended the excursion the Sydney Aquarium and got to see ‘big sharks with really, really big teeth’.

Moreover, some of our students are rehearsing for the upcoming School Spectacular. Their passion and dedication is shining through, and I can't wait to see them on the big stage. 



Jane Carter and Daniel Carrozza

Relieving Deputy Principals   I    Year 9 and Support Unit