Building work has begun!

New facilities
New facilities have been in the planning for several years and building work has now begun. The front of the school and the canteen area look a little different at the moment, but in Semester Two next year students will have access to wonderful new gym facilities and an expanded canteen.
Work has also started on preparing the site for a new four-storey building, which will front Frederick Road, and will contain many fantastic new general learning classrooms, in addition to new kitchen and workshop facilities and more senior student learning areas.
Staggered finishing times
For the rest of Term 4, students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will finish every day except Tuesday at 2:50pm (5 minutes earlier). This allows for a steady flow of students leaving the school in the afternoon.
Tuesday finishing times are not affected and students in the Support Unit have not had their finishing times changed.
An email was sent to parents recently with a reminder about uniform requirements:
- Students are required to wear traditional black hard leather school shoes, not sneakers, when wearing full school uniform. Please keep this in mind if purchasing new shoes to start the 2024 school year.
- Excessive make up is not appropriate, including false eyelashes and nails, and must not be worn.
- Students may wear PE uniform only on days when they have a timetabled practical sport period.
- School track pants are part of the PE uniform. Other trackpants are not to be worn.
- Parents will be contacted if there are ongoing issues with a student’s uniform.
The overwhelming majority of students wear their uniform correctly and with pride every day and are to be congratulated.
Students' Use of Mobile Phones in Schools Policy Update
Students have responded positively to the Term 4 mobile phones in schools restrictions and are following the policy as required. Thank you to parents for supporting your children and the school. School staff are proud of the responsible way students have responded.
Road safety message from Liverpool Council
Julia Cremin
Relieving Principal