Year 2 Team

Year 2 Term 4 News!
Welcome back to Term 4, we are looking forward to a busy term with lots of fun events.
We have some exciting news to share from the holidays. Last weekend, Kora Stephens in 2B competed in the BMX Victorian State Championships to race for the top spot, which takes place once a year and involves over 700 BMX riders from all over the state. Kora was the youngest rider in the 8-10 girl cruiser and managed to win two state Championship plates. We are so proud of you Kora and wish you all the best for when you compete in Nationals.
This term in Reading, we are beginning to explore fluency and expression whilst reading. We will be learning different strategies that we can use to help us become more expressive and fluent readers. This will be done as a whole class, with partners and as individuals. We have already started looking at some of these strategies and practising with our fluency partners and by also doing some independent reading.
For the first three weeks of this term we have a multiplication and division focus. We are encouraging our students to use a range of strategies to solve problems such as skip counting, making arrays, and recognising the relationship between multiplication and division.
At times students can struggle to recall times tables facts, so we are trying to teach strategies to help them. One thing we noticed already is that doubles facts can be used to solve many times tables such as twos, fours and eights. Practising doubles at home can be a great way to strengthen their understanding.
Celebrating our Positive Behaviour!
Our students have been demonstrating our school expectations and earning lots of spark bucks. They have also been earning class spark bucks for when all students demonstrate the expectations. So far Grade 2A have earnt a hot chip lunch and are working towards earning a cooking class. They are only a few class spark bucks away. Grade 2B have earnt an Ipad afternoon and a free dress day! Keep up the amazing attitude and effort Grade Twos!
On October the 19th we had our Year Two sleepover. The students did an incredible job of being positive, supportive and brave in embracing this experience. All of our Junior School studnets (1/2) participated in some amazing incursion activities on the Friday. These included Bath Fizz, where we made our own bath bombs, Chocolate Creations where we made and ate chocolate and a special Robot Build Challenge!
This is the final term of Junior school for the wonderful Year 2s! It has been lovely to watch all of them thrive throughout the year. Please remember to keep on reading every night and continue showing responsibility for your learning as you begin to get ready to enter Middle school!