Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community 






Blessing of our Pets Liturgy

6.00pm, Friday 13th October

 Sacred Heart Primary School

The kangaroos, crows and hawk’s seasons never really got started and the cats and dogs fell at their last hurdle. Yes, the lions, magpies and swans have put up such a valiant effort making finals, when others like the eagles had already capitulated. 

So, let’s bring some good news to our beloved pets and their owners, by celebrating our “Blessing of our Pets Liturgy”. All school families, parishioners and visitors are invited to attend and celebrate the precious gift of our pets. 

All pets from goldfish to guinea pigs, dogs to reptiles and every pet in between are invited, and will receive a blessing from Father Aloysius.





Yours Sincerely




Darling Dance Studios (Run by a Sacred Heart parent)

A special offer for students from Sacred Heart