Green Week

Green Week was a wonderful success thanks to the hard work of everyone involved.
Congratulations to our sustainability leaders Aagam and Patrick (and Noah whilst Patrick was on holiday!).
The Nude Food competition was won by Prep Nell. They enjoyed watching ‘The Bee Movie’ on the big screen whilst enjoying popcorn.
The $25 gift voucher donated by POYNTONS Nursery in Essendon was won by Kiran in Year 5/6 AN for the logo competition. The winners of a plant were Natalie in 3/4 S, Evelyn in 1/2 S and Elsie in Prep L.
Winner of the best dressed and the $25 voucher from POYNTONS in Essendon was Anhad from Prep N.
We planted 100 new trees in the school which were donated by Education Victoria. We are hoping they survive any hot days ahead of us and students can look back and remember the importance of planting trees.
Julie Barbey
Sustainability Leader and
Nell Denny
Garden Club Leader