Careers Update

Class of 2023 - Year 12's
Good luck to our Year 12 students as they have come to the end of their secondary schooling journey. Students have been busy working through VTAC applications, updating their resumes, applying for TAFE courses and submitting job applications. Regardless of their pathway choices it is important to note that our Careers Team will support students through their transition beyond 2023.
Girls in Blue
The Girls in Blue Program is a taster program for girls interested in joining the Police Force. Three Lowanna College students were lucky enough to be part of this great opportunity. The day included a guided tour of the Moe Police Station, a presentation on recruitment and the academy, and students participated in a living library with women from Victoria Police. The students also gained an insight into career pathways such as Forensics, Prosecutions, Highway Patrol, Criminal Investigation Unit and General Duties. A huge thank you to the Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN and Victoria Police for organising this event.
Transform Renewable Energy Community and Jobs Expo
In early October, some of our Year 9 and Year 10 students had the opportunity to attend the 'Transform Renewable Energy Community and Jobs Expo' at the Gippsland Performing Arts Centre in Traralgon. The Expo was a unique and pioneering event where our students directly engaged with renewable energy and cleantech companies and discovered real-world job and training opportunities in the sector.
Accommodation On Campus
A reminder for any Year 12 students considering living on campus at university next year - you will need to apply as soon as applications are open via each university website. On-campus accommodation options fill very quickly.
TAFE Short Courses
TAFE Gippsland are running several short courses, which are a great way to expand students learning in a field they are interested in. Please click here for a list of these courses.
My Future
You can explore occupations related to your favourite school subjects. After you create an account, click on ‘explore career bullseyes’ and then click on your favourite subjects. Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy.
The Good Career Guide
A multi-platform resource for students commencing their career journey. There are over 500 different job descriptions and students can explore occupations based on their interests and traits.
A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems. Your TFN is a unique number (usually 9 digits), an important part of your identity and yours for life – you keep your TFN even if you change jobs or name, move interstate or go overseas. Students commencing part time work will need to have a TFN. To apply for a TFN click here.
Part time work
Are you looking for part time work? Do you need help with your resume? We can help you, so come and see us in the careers room. Below are some links of businesses that you can apply to work at:
Coles -
IGA supermarkets -
Woolworths -
McDonalds -
Kmart -
Kentucky Fried Chicken -
Hungry Jacks -
Bunnings -
Careers Support
We are available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you may have. Please feel free to contact the Careers team:
Kirsty Mitchell ph: 5127 9225 or
Alisha Disisto ph: 5127 9264 or