Wellbeing Update

Wellbeing Team Member Profile
In this newsletter we thought we would do a shout out to one of our team members and give you an idea of the great work being done in her workspace.
Emily is our Koorie Liaison Support Worker who has been doing an exceptional job in supporting our large number of Indigenous students. Emily works tirelessly to ensure these students are well supported and have opportunities to participate in various activities at school and within the community. These activities include camps, graduation events, excursions, incursions, connecting with elders and other indigenous community people, NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation activities. Emily also regularly liaises with Koorie Education Support Officers from the Department of Education and often visits families, offering many school and community supports.
Emily has gone above and beyond in her role and is a very welcome member of the Wellbeing Team.
Inclusiveness at Lowanna College
Support for our Indigenous Community
Year 12 Koori Graduation Dinner
Congratulations to Mya Dickeson, Tay Strickland and Shannon Sorensen who were invited to attend the 2023 Year 12 Koorie Graduation Dinner for Inner Gippsland on the 12th of October. It was a great night to celebrate student achievements throughout Gippsland, and we are very proud of our three students who attended.
LGBTIQ+ Support
Our college nurse, Bernice, continues to support our students from the LGBTIQ+ community. Students from this community meet with Bernice each week at lunchtime and participate in activities and games – a great opportunity for them to connect with each other in a safe and supportive environment.
During Term 3, Carly, a Youth Worker from Headspace, visited the College and spent some time with these students during lunchtime. Students participated in badge making and trivia. Bernice has done a fantastic job supporting these students and utilising our external networks and expertise.
General Wellbeing Information
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Later in the year I will be providing more Youth Mental Health First Aid Training with our Mental Health Practitioner, Michael Naughton.
Michael and I will be skilling up more of our staff and offering the training to our colleagues at other schools in a way to collaborate and share learning and ideas. We have currently trained approximately 30% of our staff including teachers, Education Support staff and leadership.
Mental Health Month
In October we recognised Mental Health Month. Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October. This month encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not. It also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of good mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed.
1 in 8 people worldwide live with a mental illness and 42.9% of people in Australia aged between 16-85 years old have experienced a mental health disorder at some time in their life (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2023).
Following on from the theme that ‘We all have a role to play’, we acknowledge the importance in supporting one another when we have poor mental health. Lowanna College are working hard to break the stigma that comes with mental health. We encourage our students at the College to talk openly about mental health and assist where they can in supporting others to seek help.
Breakfast Club
A reminder that Breakfast Club is available to students each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7.45am to 8.30am. We encourage students who have not had a bite to eat to come along and get some toast and a hot milo. A healthy breakfast is just the thing we need to help us start the day well 😊
The Breakfast Club Team are also looking for anyone who would like to volunteer their time to help out on one or both of the days we provide Breakfast Club. Please let the Wellbeing Team know if you can help out. We also love donations to go towards Breakfast Club – Margarine, Cheese Slices and Milo are the things we would greatly appreciate.
Paul Fry
Wellbeing Leader