Mini School Updates

Junior School
The highlight of this term has definitely been our Junior School Camp. We took a group of Year 7 and Year 8 students to Alexandra Adventure Resort and over the 3 days they participated in a range of activities including canoeing, raft building, high ropes, giant swing, orienteering and archery. During their down time they did some fishing and swimming as well as playing football, table tennis and basketball. On the second night everyone had a wonderful time around the campfire watching the sunset over the lake and toasting marshmallows. On the last day there was a wildlife presentation, where we found that the kryptonite of some of our Year 8 boys happens to be snakes and spiders, while others were not a fan of creatures with wings.
Junior School Camp photos above.
As staff we really enjoy the opportunity to see students out of their normal school habitat and enjoy getting to know a bit more about them.
Planning for our 2024 Year 7 Camp to Phillip Island and the Year 8 Orientation Day in Term 1 are in full swing and we look forward to sharing the details with you all soon.
Over the next three weeks students will be completing the last of their Year 7 and 8 classes before moving into their 2024 classes for Head Start. I encourage students to finish the year off strong, reinforcing positive learning behaviours that ensure a successful start to their Year 8 and Year 9 classes.
The commencement of Head Start is also the time we bid farewell to our current Year 8 cohort. They are a great bunch of kids and we have loved working with them over the last two years. The Junior School Team wishes them all the best for their transition to Middle School and we can’t wait to see all the great things they get up to over the next few years.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School
As we come to the end of another school year, I would like to acknowledge the work students have achieved engaging in their learning. It is important that at this end of the year that students make sure that all work is completed on time and submitted for final assessments before exams and reports are written.
The Middle School team would like to acknowledge the students who achieved a high number of RIDGE awards - the awards are a credit to themselves and the school.
Year 9 students photographed above.
Year 10 students photographed above.
We would also like to acknowledge the Middle School top attendees for Term 3 - Gemma Webb and Emerson Siddle.
Emerson Siddle (Year 10) and Gemma Webb (Year 9) photographed above.
For our Year 10 students, there will be no scheduled classes from Monday the 20th of November until Thursday the 23rd of November as students will be undertaking exams for all core subjects.
When a student does not have an exam scheduled it is recommended that they use this time to study - a study room will be made available for any student that is required to be at school before, or after, an exam.
On Thursday the 23rd of November our Year 9 students will sit their English and Maths exams. There will be no scheduled classes after the exams. If a student is required to remain at school after their exam, a room will be made available for them.
A letter will be emailed to parents on the 8th of November with all relevant information regarding the exam period.
On the 17th of November Middle School will be holding a free BBQ for students to wish them well for their exams and to say goodbye to the Year 10 students heading to Senior School.
On the 27th of November Lowanna students will be commencing our Head Start program. Students will be in their 2024 classes for 2 weeks finishing on the 8th of December. Attendance is compulsory for all students and during this time students will have the chance to change electives where possible. Lockers will be moved for our Year 10 students at this time to the Senior School.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader
Senior School
Somehow we have found ourselves with the end of the year looming large on the horizon!
We hope that all students and their families enjoyed some rest over the holidays. It’s been great to see students return with smiles on their faces, recharged and ready for a productive term. In addition to some down time, many students participated in revision lectures and practice exams during the first week of the school holidays and it was pleasing to see so many students showing commitment and dedication to being the best learner they can be. The research shows that the number of practice exams completed is directly related to performance in each subject. Therefore, we encourage students to carefully review the feedback provided by teachers on these exams, as well as to continue to complete questions from past exam papers. These don’t necessarily need to be completed in a whole sitting, and there is value in completing and then reviewing one or two questions per study session.
As I write this, our Year 12 students have all submitted their final pieces of classwork, TAFE assessments and work placements and those in the VCE stream are currently completing their final exams. We have enjoyed being able to celebrate their contribution to Lowanna College with a range of activities including a celebration lunch, farewell assembly and of course, the much-anticipated Celebration Day. This day was a wonderful opportunity for students to come together with their peers in a fun, relaxed and memorable way to acknowledge and commemorate their time here at Lowanna College. We had almost 50 students sit the English exam on Tuesday 24 October and the final exam will take place on Tuesday 14 November. Following this we will be looking forward to a wonderful evening at the Graduation Evening on Friday 24 November. This will be held at Turfside Function Centre, commencing at 7.30 pm. Tickets for this event are currently available for purchase at the General Office.
Year 12 Celebration Day photos above.
Our Year 11 students are busy finalising their final coursework assessments and preparing for exams (including an aptitude test for our VCE-VM students) which will commence at the end of Week 7. These exams are valuable practice for students to learn how to manage and cope with the inevitable nerves that accompany these situations as well as to identify and implement the revision strategies that work best for them and be able to carry these into Year 12, so that they can set themselves up for success early. If students are requiring support with implementing stress management strategies or more general revision strategies, they are encouraged to speak either with their classroom teachers, a member of the Senior School Team, or the Wellbeing Team as appropriate.
Congratulations to our 2024 College Captains – Brooke Hunter, Stephanie Nowell, Oakley Vickery-Howe and Lachlan Wallace – who have been selected after a rigorous process including a written application, speech at a whole school assembly, interview, and student and staff voting. The calibre of our applicants this year was extremely high, and I have no doubt that they will serve as exemplary leaders of the College.
There is currently a lot of work going on behind the scenes to finalise the timetable for next year to ensure we can meet as many student preferences as possible. Students will find out their classes prior to ‘Headstart’ (which runs from Monday 27 November – Friday 8 December). Booklists will also be circulated at this time, although there is no expectation that students will have their texts for this Headstart period. Headstart is a crucial component of the year ahead for all students, and during this time they will receive key information about their subjects, expectations and assessments and officially commence their 2024 learning. It is important that students attend so that they are engaged and up to date with their studies.
I encourage all students to keep up their commitment and focus as they round out their learning for 2023. We wish you all a happy, successful and fulfilling term and are looking forward to continuing to work alongside you to support and encourage you as you strive to meet your goals.
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader