College Updates

Class of 2023
Congratulations to our Class of 2023 for completing their final classes, and 13 years of schooling! Our Year 12 students enjoyed their Celebration Day on Thursday 19 October, and we wish our Year 12 students who are completing exams all the best for the next couple of weeks. We are confident that our Class of 2023 will have a very bright and successful future and we wish them all the best for whatever their future holds.
2024 School Captains
Congratulations to our 2024 School Captains - Stephanie Nowell, Brooke Hunter, Lachlan Wallace and Oakley Vickery-Howe.
USA Basketball Trip - 2025
Expressions of Interest are now open for the 2025 USA Basketball Trip. This incredible opportunity is available to all Lowanna College students - please express your interest on the below form.
Please note, this trip was originally planned for late 2024 but has been changed to 2025.
Cows Create Careers
Lowanna College students won an award for their entry into the Regional Cows Create Careers competition! The team was called ‘Ag LEOW’ and included Will Provan, Ollie Vosper, Lisa Watson, and Emily Gilmore.
Their winning submission involved creating growth charts for the two calves (Ben & Jerry and Whipped Cream), creating a 3D calf shed, making a cow poster with information about cattle identification and breeding, and sending a letter to Stuart Griffin the Farmer/Vet who donated the calves to Lowanna College for the program. Well done to all involved.
Uniform Exchange
Arts and Music Department Update
An Evening with the Arts
Come along for a night of music, art and food next Tuesday 14 November at the College. Our students are preparing a night to showcase their talent and they are looking forward to having you there.
Almost Archibald Portrait Prize
Now closing this Friday 10 November!
A friendly reminder to students who want to enter a portrait into the Lowanna College ‘Almost Archibald’ Portrait Prize (could include drawing, painting or photography) to submit your art piece by Friday.
Entries will be judged in Junior, Middle and Senior School categories with prizes for best student and teacher choices.
Year 7 Art
In Year 7 we have been creating Quirky Creatures from terracotta clay. The students researched pictures of animals, food and/or insects to inspire the creation of their own unique sculpture. They also learned basic hand building techniques.
Year 8 Art
The Year 8 students have been working on the theme of “The Seasons”, using a variety of mediums. They began by mind mapping ideas around the theme to fine tune an individual response.
Year 9 Photography
In Year 9 Photography the students are coming to terms with the processes and expressive possibilities of darkroom photography. The work around composing appealing shots in combination with growing technical competence is yielding some good results.
Year 9 Painting and Drawing
Students have finished their Value Unit by practicing drawing selfies in concave and convex reflective objects.
Year 9 Photography, Painting and Drawing - A Students Perspective
At Lowanna, in painting and drawing, we are learning practical activities such as painting in a variety of mediums and art styles. Some mediums include acrylic paint and oil paints. Some art styles we have learned about are realism and expressionism. While we do a lot of practical activities, we also do theory. We have learnt things such as art periods like the Baroque art period and my favourite, Prehistoric art. While in photography almost 90% of the class is practical, there is a theory element to the class where we learn how to position a subject in a photograph and how photography has developed over the years and came to be what it is today. As for the practical side of the class, we sometimes go outside with a range of different cameras and take photographs. After we have taken the photo/s we develop the film in the darkroom which is very fun and interesting to me.
Written by Matilda Smith
Year 10 Ceramics
Year 10 Ceramics students are finishing their independent projects and architectural projects. These tasks required students to work through the design process and combine a variety of hand-building techniques.
Year 10 Charcoal Drawing
At Year 10 we have stepped all the way back to one of the first art mediums to be used - willow charcoal (literally a burnt stick). A systematic approach and building from tone rather than line has allowed the students to produce some descriptive and expressive portraits.
Music Update
The VCE and VET music students have all completed their final performances. The Music Department are very proud of their musical achievements over the last 6 years at the College and we wish them all the best for their future. They have supported the program by putting on a range of concerts and contributing to Lowanna’s various ensembles. Well done and congratulations.
The rest of the music area has been busy with students working on class and individual performances in preparation for their end of year assessments. Our instrumental students are also preparing for the final music soiree of the year.
Students are also using their free time at recess and lunch to come into the music rooms and create their own bands to hopefully perform in the future. It is great to see students working together and creating beautiful music.
VCE/VET Music Performance
Recently our VCE/VET Music Performance students presented their final performances to examiners. The acts presented were a combination of solo artists and several bands. Lowanna College is the Vocational Education and Training (VET) provider for Music Performance and Music Technical Sound Production to all Gippsland secondary school students. Photographed are music staff and students prior to their performances.
Science Update
Year 7 Science
Ms. Calderwood's Year 7E Science Class are learning all about invasive species! Students have been able to see what this looks like in real life - there is a bird nest above J2 (pictured below)!
In Science we have been creating PowerPoints about Introduced Species. I chose the Red Fox. I found out about what they eat, where they come from, what problems people have with them, and other stuff. I learnt that they eat meat, insects, and some plants. The habitat they like to live in is cold and has lots of trees. Foxes were brought to Australia in 1855 for hunting, and became wild in the 1870’s.
In Science I like to do experiments. I remember how to use the Bunsen Burner. We also made Oobleck, which was messy, but lots of fun. In the future I would like to learn about how cars work, because I like to work in the shed with my dad.
Written by Cohen Naumann
Year 8 Science - Gippsland Tech School Excursion
This week our Year 8 students attended an excursion to the Gippsland Tech School in Morwell. Students learnt about what sustainability is and strategies for developing a sustainable house.
Year 8 Science - In the Classroom
Students in Year 8 have been learning all about Energy.
Year 10 Food Studies
Students have learnt about the process of making homemade strawberry jam and are currently learning about labelling requests and packaging their jams in jars. Look at the yummy pancakes students enjoyed with their homemade jam!