Student Awards

Student of the Week

4 September 2023


For his improved focus when completing his work and listening more carfully to his peers thoughts and ideas during group activities. Well done Mudi!



For independently writing a detailed recount about our Melbourne Museum excursion. Excellent work, Hero!



For showing personal excellence with her attention to detail while writing her information report on a tyrannosaurus-rex. What a superstar!



For his wonderful and inquisitive contributions during our excursion to the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens. Well done Zayden!



For displaying personal excellence and persistance to achieve your learning goals. You are a superstar Charlotte!



For supporting his team members and working collaboratively on the Inquiry project. Well done, Micah!



For the wonderful creativity he has displayed while working in his team during inquiry learning sessions. Great work, James!


Language specialist award YEAR 1  ~

For working beautifully together to produce a food tally in French. Amazing work Grade 1!


PE Specialist Award SASHA  ~

For displaying resilience and courage when having a go at challenging activities.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For being inquisitive and using creativity to show their knowledge of shapes.


STEAM Specialist Award PREP  ~

For their exceptional thinking about what materials are appropriate to use in various situations. For example, a paper chair wouldn't work so plastic is better!


Visual Arts Specialist Award PREP ~

For creating colourful and interesting giraffe pictures based on the book, Giraffes can't dance. Fantastic work!


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 1

For trying their best to bring stage energy to their dance rehearsals. Well done!


11 September 2023


For checking his work carefully to see if any letters or words are missing from his sentences, you are beginning to edit your work. What a fabulous effort Justin!



For his attention to detail when creating his dinosaur diorama. Awesome work, Tom!



For demonstrating personal excellence through the care and effort she placed into completing her probability portfolio task. Amazing, wonderful effort, Sasha! 



For using the correct structures and connective words when writing your explanation text. Keep up the great work, Asher!



For working collaboratively on her Inquiry project and assisting others. Keep up the good work, Beata!



For offering her valuable thoughts during inquiry learning sessions, respecting the opinions of others and constantly striving to achieve her best.


Language specialist award YEAR 4  ~

For showing great enthusiasm while learning how to write verbs in the negative form. Excellent work Grade 4!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A  ~

For listening carefully to instructions and challenging themselves.


Mathematic Specialist Award PREP  ~

For accepting challenges in Mathematics and trying their best.


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 4  ~

For the amazing effort they have put into their StopMotion videos about melting things.