Inside the Classroom



Class 13 have been very busy back at school this term. They have been working hard in the classroom and have also been enjoying the spring weather by getting outdoors. The students enjoyed writing their spelling words in shaving cream and have been learning about multiplication in maths. 

Class 5 have been learning to form the letters of their name. They have also been using different activities to develop their fine motor skills. They students are enjoying accessing community areas for their weekly class outing.

Class 10 students enjoyed visiting the recent Art on Anson to see their completed art works. The class have also recently shared in celebrating Teddy's birthday.

Class 12 have been continuing to access the Engine Room as part of their weekly program. 

Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Primary Leader

Stage 4

Stage 4 has been actively involved in a range of enriching activities, fostering their academic growth, social skills, and overall wellbeing. One of the highlights has been their visit to Anson Street farm, where they got hands-on experience with various farm activities. Some students have also participated in the Anson Street Barista team, learning the art of making coffee.

The students in Class 15 have also been developing their social skills through collaborative work. Every second Friday, Stage 4 come together in the Gym and learn to share equipment on rotation. This not only promotes teamwork but also teaches them how to be responsible and considerate towards others. 

To further enhance learning experiences, students have been going on outings around the CBD. Apart from exploring the surrounding spaces, these outings provide the opportunity to practice road safety skills and follow instructions while being out in the community. These experiences help them become more independent and confident individuals.

Billie-Jo Rutten

Assistant Principal

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

As part of our Geography studies and Sustainability week, we visited Orange Library to see the Future Now exhibition. We looked at three dioramas featuring scale models and audio-visual content to bring sustainable landscapes to life and highlight innovative solutions for tackling the impacts of climate change. The pods featured everything from community gardens to flying taxis.


Class 9 took a scroll on the ‘Just One Bee’ story walk at Orange Botanic Gardens. The story book installation is all about bees and flowers and making dreams come true. It’s a perfectly written fable and metaphor about changing the world one step at a time.

Stage 5 are proving to be the MVPs of the Anson Street Barista team. The team welcomes Kiyra, Mallee, Harrison, Kruz, Gypsy and Riley, along with the originals Ivy, Skye and Tom. They are already proving to be confident and independent workers. 

Continuing our NAIDOC Week celebrations we toured through the Inherit exhibition at Orange Regional Museum. We explored the lives of First Nations people in our region and the strength and resilience of Wiradjuri culture over time. We saw ancient and contemporary artefacts such as woven baskets, possum skin and boomerangs that had been crafted by Wiradjuri people. 

Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

The year 12 students have had a very busy start to their term 4 program. They have been participating in weekly visits to local service providers to what they offer and what fun opportunities may be avialble to them in 2024. So far we have visited the local Orange Library, Omnia, Friends for life, Safe hands art therapy and Millthorpe village. 

Primary industries students visited the National Farm Field Days on Friday and enjoyed navigating the large event, watching the sheep dogs work, flying a drone and looking at the huge range of machinary. 


Jess Hodder 

Assistant Principal 

Stage 6 Leader 


Campus students have enjoyed a busy start to Term 4. We have had a strong focus on literacy and numeracy in the classroom, learning about homophones in Class 21. Practising simple addition has also been a focus in the classroom, getting the basics right before we challenge ourselves with the harder stuff.

The cheeky chickens provided a moment of mystery and then laughter last week.  We noticed one of our feathered friends was 'missing' - only to be found sunning herself amongst the flowers. On closer inspection, she appeared to have been concentrating on an important job.


Mrs Hargraves and Ms Edwards have started delivering the SistaSpeak program on Tuesday afternoons. The program aims to motivate and inspire young girls through workshops on self-esteem, careers, culture, leadership and independence. We have had a  number of guest speakers from the community become involved with the program to share their wisdom. The program will run for the rest of the term.

Last week we invited Class 14 to join us for the PCYC Fit for Life program giving us lots more students to include in our teams' activities. We are also enjoying having other students join us for Sport each week. The Zone has also proven to be quite a challenging space this term with Campus.

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus