Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

In term 4 we focus on the character pillar of GRATITUDE. As we approach the end of another school year and the last for our year 12 students it is important to look back with gratitude on the people and experiences that have impacted our lives. Research shows that people who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

Over the next few weeks all classes will be participating in a gratitude challenge and will be involved in daily activities to show their gratitude for the people and experiences they value and enjoy in their lives. Below is a list of ideas to try together as a family.

Jenny Rosser

Deputy Principal


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

The current focus is:


Be Responsible: Wear school uniform


We encourage all students to wear our school uniform proudly. When students wear the school uniform they are connecting with their school and have a sense of belonging. A school uniform eliminates the need to purchase expensive clothing brands and trends and reduces competition between students to wear the latest fashion. Our school uniform is comfortable, easy to launder and suitable for the changing weather conditions in Orange. When out in the community our students are easily recognised and help boost the reputation of our school. 


Please make sure that your child/ward has a suitable school uniform to wear to school every day. If you need assistance to purchase uniform items you can contact the office to request this. Our uniform is available from Orange Clothing Company.


PBL Stars

Congratulations to these students for being recognised as Responsible, Safe and Respectful learners.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal