News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
Good luck and best wishes to Mrs Finster. Wednesday was Zoe’s last day before she starts Maternity Leave. We wish Zoe, Craig and Cleo all the best and we cannot wait to see baby Finster next term.
1/2 Antique Roadshow
The Year 1/2 students had an Antique Roadshow Expo where they invited parents, friends and other classes to come and see the work they did during their History Inquiry topic.
The children bought items from home that were old and had to research information about their antique. What an amazing job they did and thank you to all the parents who came and visited the Roadshow.
Year One Jacob
What was your item?
A Holy water sprinkler.
What did you learn?
I learnt that it was 35 years old. It came from my grandma . It was hers.
Year One Harper
What was your item?
A hairbrush.
What did you learn?
I learnt that old fashioned hair brushes were made out of horse hair, goat hair and porcupine spikes.
Year Two Isla S
What was your item?
My item was a billy kettle.
What did you learn?
A billy kettle is really called a Willian Waterhem kettle.
My mum told me that my Great Nan and Great Pop bought it from a shop called Moores.
Footy Day
On Footy Day we had a big parade. There were lots of teams and supporters. The two teams with the most supporters were Richmond and Collingwood. Each team's song was played and the barrackers of that team had to walk around the half court and sing their song.
Term 3 in Review
Foundation - Jameson
What have you enjoyed?
I have enjoyed doing Art with Mrs Kimball.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt how to share numbers into equal groups in maths.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am excited to wear a full summer uniform and start to transition into Year One.
Foundation Amelia
What have you enjoyed?
I have enjoyed doing art with Mrs Kimball because she likes painting.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt to share numbers into equal groups.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I'm looking forward to seeing the school play and becoming a Year 1 student.
Year One Gigi
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed playing with different friends and going on excursions.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt how to count by three.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I'm really looking forward to the school concert
Year One Seān
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed telling others about my family crest in the Antique Roadshow.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt to read more words.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to making new patterns.
Year Two - Gabriel
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed spelling.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt how to tell the time. I have learnt about quarter past, half- past and o’clock.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I'm looking forward to Genius Hour and Religion.
Year Three - Kyle
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed doing my Genius Hour presentation this term
What have you learnt?
I learnt that a didgeridoo’s real name is a yidaki in my research.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to holidays next term I am also looking forward to all of my specialists.
Year Three - Sarah
What have you enjoyed?
I have enjoyed writing because we have been writing about convicts and writing from their point of view.
What have you learnt?
I learnt about short division in my maths.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to STEM next term because I want to build more things.
Year Three - Juliet
What have you enjoyed?
Writing, because historical narratives are interesting
What have you learnt?
We learnt about the First Fleet, Indigenous Culture and the first people of Australia
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to next term because it is nearly Christmas, learning something else and crafty activities and how it is getting warmer
Year Four - Charlotte
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed Lit Stem at Kilbreda
What have you learnt?
I learnt about Historical Narratives and how to write them
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to the concert and the holidays.
Year Four - Tom
What have you enjoyed?
I have enjoyed writing because we got to write a diary entry about being a convict and what it was like.
What have you learned?
I have learned how to do division and multiplication using different strategies. I also have learnt how to do short division and repeated subtraction.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to doing STEM because I want to build more things like we did this term.
Year Four Ava
What have you enjoyed?
This term I have enjoyed Genius Hour. My topic was Aboriginal huts and homes.
What have you learnt?
The huts and homes that indigenous Australians used were different from our homes. They used any natural materials to make their homes.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I am looking forward to doing writing next term because I really enjoyed this subject.
Year Five - Harry
What have you enjoyed?
I've enjoyed STEM, designing, building and modifying the planes and bridges. I enjoyed learning different strategies to multiply and divide numbers.
What have you learnt?
I learnt how to use a hot glue gun while in STEM and how to safely throw a shot put ball in Sport
What are you looking forward to next term?
I’m looking forward to participating in my role in the school play and learning about different topics.
Year Six - Camilla
What have you enjoyed?
I enjoyed doing STEM, Performing Arts and Grammar.
What have you learnt?
How to subtract and add decimals. How to use a checklist, practising giving and receiving feedback in writing. I found the historical narrative interesting.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I’m looking forward to working on narrative writing next term. Just enjoying the time before I start high school.
Year Six - Isla
What have you enjoyed?
Being able to work on my leadership role and responsibilities. Working across the level with different people and working with friends.
What have you learnt?
I have learnt how to prepare myself for high school especially, getting organised and using my time to complete a task.
What are you looking forward to next term?
I'm really excited to prepare for the school play. I have a role so learning lines and the class song.
Grandparents/Special Person’s Morning Friday 13th October - 8:30am to 10:30am
Can families please email a photo of your special person/grandparent with child/children to be used in a presentation for our Grandparents/Special Persons morning. Pease send the photos to For catering purposes we ask that families RSVP via Operoo.
Foundation Storytime
Our new Foundation students listened to a story, completed an activity and shared some fruit on Thursday and Friday of last week.
Thank you
Sarah K, Sigi G and the Art Club members helped out the Kingston Council by painting murals that are going to be displayed in the new playspace at the Mordialloc Playground.
We received this lovely email from Katherine who asked us to help paint the murals.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks again to you and the Art Club students for all your hard work on the seahorses, starfish and fish. The client was absolutely delighted with how professional they looked, and they are being installed over the next few days in various places around the new playspace, ready for the fences coming down on Friday.
Thanks so much for being involved and making the playspace special for everyone!
Running Club
Running club this week, it was fantastic to see so many people walking and running around the track.
Total lap = 323
Km run = 16.2km
Total Km = 170.7
We are still on the Hume Fwy/ National Hwy in Euroa. As the weather gets warmer we are looking forward to seeing more families join in walking and running around the track.
Important dates for Week 1 - Term 4
Sunday 1 October - Daylight Savings Starts today!!
Monday 2 October - Term 4 commences - Welcome back to school everyone
Tuesday 3 October - 8:15aqm - Running Club - All welcome
Wednesday 4 October - 11:30am - Year 6 Students meeting with the Bishop at St Brigid's Church
Thursday 5 October - 7:00pm - Year 6 Confirmation - St Brigid's Church
Friday 6 October - Tuckshop open today; 2:15pm - Assembly - All welcome.
We hope you enjoyed our Newsletter.
The Environment and Sustainability Team
Emi, Lucy, Lola, Luke, Archie C, Ruby, Archie Z, Seb and Toby
Message from Mrs Sullivan
Summer Interschool Sport Finals Results
Congratulations to the boys tennis team who played Parkdale Primary school today and won their game 7 sets to 5 sets. It was a very close match that went down to the last two doubles matches.
Another Congratulations to the Rounders teams who came runners up after the closest match against Parkdale Primary School. This match had 2 extra innings to try and get a result but it was still a draw. The match was awarded to Parkdale as they were on the top of the ladder.
On behalf of the staff, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday. For those travelling please travel safe and I hope you all have a warm, restful and relaxing break after such a busy Term 3.
Take Care,