Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Lewis S      00BFor working hard in the classroom and being a kind friend.
Alby S00BFor his can do attitude and love of learning.
Noah J 00BFor his amazing hardwork, especially in Blitz and writing.
Jax M00B For your positive and independant approach to writing your information report.
Chase N5/6GFor being an inquisitive learner.
Alisha R5/6GFor being thoughtful and responsible.
Holly O5/6IFor neat and careful bookwork.
Callen S5/6IFor working hard during Blitzmaster sessions.
Annalia G1/2CFor always being at the right place at the right time on camp.
Caiden K1/2CFor excellent behaviour on camp.
Bethany C1/2C For having an enthusiastic attitude on camp.
Matilda M2DFor her wonderful attitude on camp.
Riley L2D For helping his pewers through the low ropes course.
Lucas G3/4FFor growing his confidence in writing.
Taylor H3/4F For his enthusiasm when using area to design his dream house.
Jett G5/6G For excellent writing.
Kieran G5/6G For taking onboard feedback.