Engaging in our Faith 


The Religious Creative Arts Competition is a well-established event at Catholic Schools Broken Bay and has been running for the past 10 years. Many talented artists over the years have been recognised for their skill and creativity.


The ‘Religious Creative Arts Competition’ includes 5 categories:

  1. visual arts 
  2. dance
  3. drama
  4. music
  5. short film

Students will plan, prepare and work on their creative pieces during Term 2 & 3.


Submissions will need to be handed in to schools by August 16th, Week 4 of Term 3.

School Finalists' visual art works are due to Caroline Chisholm Centre by August 30th.  


Local judging will take place followed by a selection of finalists. These finalists will then be featured at the ‘Showcase Night’ to be held at the Hornsby RSL at 5:30pm on 13 November, 2024.


The Showcase night will feature a visual art display, plus screenings of selected short films and selected performances by finalists in dance, drama and music. All age group category winners will receive a prize and a Bishop's choice award will be presented on the night to one recipient. 


Student finalists will have the opportunity to perform alongside industry professionals during the showcase concert.


One of the key elements of the competition is how students demonstrate their understanding of and connection to the religious theme. In 2024, the theme is one of the CSBB core values, JOY. “May the God of hope fill you with joy​​​​​​.” (Romans 15:13). Students will be required to link their creative piece directly to the religious theme by answering the question; How is this theme lived out or demonstrated today? 


As well as creating an artwork, short film, dance, drama or music piece, students will need to write a 150-word explanation (maximum word count 150wds) to accompany their artwork. Students can use the 150 words to outline how their artwork connects with the theme.


The 2024 Religious Creative Arts Competition is open to all CSBB school students from Kindergarten to Year 10.


Please CLICK HERE for rules.


Kind regards

Liana Stella - REC


Coffee Connect is on every first Thursday of the month

We thought we would go indoors next week to The Quadrant on the corner at 38 Moore Ave Lindfield. Just turn up for 5 minutes or 55! Both Dads and Mums are encouraged to come and I particularly invite NEW FAMILIES THIS TERM TO COME. 

 2024 the Year of Prayer

Pope Francis has declared 2024 the Year of Prayer as we prepare for the Jubilee Year in 2025.

To give you as parents some time to experience prayer in community I am offering SPAR (acronym for Stop Pray And Reflect) every third FRIDAY of the month from 8.45 - 9.15 am after drop off commencing on Friday August 23rd which is Week 5. 

Following dates will be September 20, October 18th, and 15th November.

Park in the school driveway for this time if need be. Coffee will follow. All faiths welcome including those who feel they are not of any faith.


What is it? We will be watching a Video Series with Very Rev Dr David Ranson from Broken Bay on Prayer which takes about 20 minutes then will have a chat about it with coffee.

Working full time? Listen online at work.

If you cannot make it in person to SPAR why not make some time to watch the first of these here: Year of Prayer - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay (bbcatholic.org.au)  They are VERY and you will definitely learn a lot about what prayer is in our Catholic tradition. If you are interested in us having an online time altogether please email me and we may do a teams listening option together.

Prayer at Home with "Prayer Bear"

Year 1 and 2 families please look out for a chance to have PRAYER BEAR at your home soon. Children will be given the opportunity to take a bear home and pray with him/her. It's a fun family way to remember that prayer is a great way to settle the children at night and include in your bedtime routine. "Teeth, Wees, Prayers, Bed" could be a good mantra every night!