Specialist News
Performing Arts and Visual Arts
Specialist News
Performing Arts and Visual Arts
It has been an exciting start to our Term 3 classes in Physical Education. With the Olympics currently taking place, it has been the perfect opportunity for all students to discuss and try out and lot of new sports that they may not have seen before!
Before getting into each Year levels focus at school, I would also like to say congratulations to all students who competed at the House Athletics Day last Friday! I would also like to say a huge thank you to all our staff and parent helpers for making the day run so smoothly.
We were very fortunate to have beautiful weather all day, and I was so proud to see everyone compete and show off their skills that they have been practicing this year. Every student worked hard to earn points for their house, so make sure you get down to Assembly on Friday where we will be announcing our house winners!
Back at school, our Foundation students have been participating in Hockey, exploring the skills such as holding the stick correctly and learning to control and pass the ball. They have talked about watching the Hockeyroos & Kookaburras at the Olympics and have had fun scoring goals just like them in our lessons!
Our Year 1/2 students begun the term with learning Tennis, focusing on their grip of the racket along with learning the different movements and strokes. They have progressed onto working in pairs to practice hitting balls correctly and accurately over the net.
Like the Year 1&2s, our students in Years 3-6 have also been exploring a net sport. They have been focusing on a modified version of volleyball, called Volleystars, with many students excited to play after watching it at the Olympics. They were first concentrating on learning the different hits used in the sport and when it would be appropriate to use each hit within gameplay. They progressed onto learning the rules and tactics of the game, and have had opportunities to play shortened games in teams. Our senior students have also been developing their High Jump skills at school and finished competing for the event this week.
Keep enjoying your sport outside of school, and don’t forget to come and share with me any achievements or moments you are proud of outside of school!
Tye McGannon
Ciao Ripper Families!
I hope you’re well and keeping warm. We’re enjoying Italian this term and begin each lesson practicing some of our greetings then focus on our units and end practicing one of our cultural dances.
Foundation- We are looking at the story “Il Pappagallo” (The Parrot) which is about a cheeky pet parrot. We have been focusing on retelling the story, making predictions and the language in the story including expressing emotions, family, colours and pets.
Year 1/2- Our unit is “Succhi di Frutta” (Juice Bar). We have looked at the names of common fruits and food. The students have been learning to describe fruit and food as healthy and unhealthy and which they like and dislike.
Year 3/4 - This term the unit is “Giochiamo Insieme!” (Let’s Play Together). The students have been introduced to some language needed to play a range of games. They are learning to use Italian to take turns, to ask and answer questions and apply their knowledge of numbers.
Year 5/6 - We are focusing on “Hobby e Attività” (Hobbies and Activities). The students have been engaged in games to become familiar with the names of hobbies and activities. They have learnt how to ask and respond to questions related to hobbies/activities they like and recorded peers' responses in a graph.
The students have continued to enjoy learning about different cultural dances. We have started learning some salsa. They’re loving showing their skills and having a lot of fun!
Signora Merlino