Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Thursday 25 July
Junior School Alternative Program Day - free dress/careers-themed
Friday 26 July
Year 8 Boys Soccer Regional Finals
Thursday 1 August
Junior Jazz Victorian Schools Music Festival, 12:30pm
Friday 2 August
Subject Selection Day
Tuesday 6 August
Teacher Talent Show, lunchtime
Wednesday 7 August
Division Athletics
2024 Australian Maths Competition, 9am
Thursday 8 August
Curriculum Day - no classes
Wednesday 14 August
A Midsummer's Night Dream, Matinee performance
A Midsummer's Night Dream, 7pm
Thursday 15 August
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 7pm
Tuesday 20 August
New date: SEAL Open Night, 5:15pm
Friday 23 August
Strings Victorian Schools Music Festival, 2:30pm
Thursday 29 August
Year 8 Sport
Monday 2 September
SEAL testing
Tuesday 3 September
Concert Band, Victorian Schools Music Festival, 9am
Wind Symphony, Victorian Schools Music Festival, 1pm
Wednesday 4 September
Year 7 Sport
Friday 6 September
Curriculum Day - no classes
Monday 9 September
Student-Led Conferences, no scheduled classes
Tuesday 10 September
Spring Music Concert
Wednesday 11 September
International Student Voice Project closing forum
Friday 20 September
Last day of Term 3
Alternate Program Day for Year 7 & Year 8 - Thursday 25th July
Our next APD will focus on careers and subject selection for the following academic year. Throughout the day, students will have the opportunity to engage with guest speakers who will share their experiences and expertise in various fields. This is an excellent opportunity for our young learners to gain inspiration and explore potential career paths.
Students will need to bring headphones that connect to their device.
Students are also encouraged to wear free-dress as their "future career" choice for the day.
Become a Year 7 Leader
Do you seek a leadership role within the year 7 community? Year 7 student leaders will contribute to a variety of activities and events, all under the tutelage of our Year Level Coordinators.
Sign up using this link: https://forms.office.com/r/KdCjUykHXn
Yard Duty
Students assigned to yard duty are now expected to wear their PE Uniform.