Wellbeing Report
Amanda Palombi
Wellbeing Report
Amanda Palombi
As part of our policy review process and based on advice received from the Department of Education, we have established policies concerning parent disputes and respect for school staff. We acknowledge the ongoing support and respect we have from our school community, however at times, these policies may need to be referred to. The newly developed policies can be located on our school website.
Bullying No Way Week is all about the important roles school, family and community play in helping young people feel accepted, respected and that they have a place where they belong.
From 12 to 16 August, we will be supporting this initiative by engaging in opportunities that create awareness and develop an understanding of healthy relationships and a sense of belonging.
Below is a clip to provide a snapshot of what the campaign aims to do:
As caregivers and parents of young children, it can be quite confronting when addressing issues of bullying. For us to work collaboratively to combat bullying, we have found the following articles that may be of assistance: