Year Seven

Dear Year Seven Families,
Visual Art
This term, our year seven are diving headfirst into the magical world of Arts and Design. Armed with paintbrushes and creativity, they're leveling up their skills in hands-on workshops and mastering the art of critiquing. This week is all about putting their newfound talents to the test as they tackle our statement of Inquiry, "How do artists use art elements and design principles to create meaningful, engaging works that communicate ideas and evoke emotions?" Let the creative sparks fly!
This semester, students continued to study Algebra. They applied their previous knowledge of fractions to master the operations involving expressions. They learned to simplify expressions and distinguish between like terms and unlike terms. In addition, we organized a "Talk Money" incursion this week. The students were highly engaged and enthusiastic during the incursion, learning essential money lessons for life, gaining confidence in discussing financial matters, and making informed financial decisions. Students have shown remarkable progress in both their mathematical skills and financial literacy. We look forward to seeing their continued growth and development in the coming months.
Our Year 7 Science students are learning about ‘Classifications and Ecosystems’ this term. This unit explores the statement ‘All living things can be classified within a system which can change and develop’.
They have learnt to classify living things based on characteristics and that all life forms can be classified into the five-kingdom system. They were introduced to dichotomous keys as a tool to identify organisms. They have also learnt to classify animals and plants into each phylum accordingly.
They completed their first practical to understand how to use a light microscope and they explored various parts of the microscope and its uses. As we continue this unit, students will learn about the different types of ecosystems and what makes up an ecosystem.