Year Three

Dear Year Three Community,
The start of Term Three was exciting, introducing students to a variety of new learning experiences and enabling them to delve deeper into their education.
In Reading, students have been exploring and applying Reciprocal Teaching, enthusiastically taking on roles such as predictor, clarifier, questioner, and summariser. This approach is helping them to deepen their understanding of texts and to actively participate in rich discussions to enhance their knowledge on the subject matter. Through Reciprocal Teaching, students are also learning to express their thoughts clearly, listen to others with respect, and remain open-minded to different perspectives.
In Writing, students have been actively developing their explanation texts. Students were given agency to choose technology-related topics to explain how they work or why they function the way they do. They were deeply engaged in their explanations and took great pride in publishing their work. As a result, classes are collaboratively creating their own book titled “How Things Work.”
In Maths, students have started learning about multiplicative thinking, with a focus on learning different strategies such as grouping, arrays, repeated addition, skip counting and using number lines. They have enjoyed applying these strategies to solve word problems and have been challenged to use their multiplication skills within the Launch, Explore, and Discuss model. This approach helps them deepen their understanding and to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities through open-ended questions.
In Inquiry, students have been exploring how technology works and how it has transformed our daily lives. They have started researching the role of technology in various fields, including Education, Sports andEntertainment, Medicine, Comfort and Lifestyle, and Connection and Collaboration. Additionally, students are examining both the positive and negative effects of technological advancements on the quality of human life.
-Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPads to school every day.
-Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
-Year Three Swimming Program is running from the 16th of September - 20th of September. This event is now on XUNO please approve and make payment by the 2nd of September.
-If you child is participating in the swimming program please use the QR code below to complete information on your child's swimming abilities.
-Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno.
Kind Regards,
Year Three Teaching Team