Year One
Year One
Dear Year One Community,
In Reading students have continued to explore the comprehension strategy ‘Questioning’ by using the question stems ‘who, what, where, when, why, which, how, did, and do’ to develop questions about a text before, during, and after reading, to deepen their understanding of what they are reading. Students are also enjoying taking part in guided reading sessions once a week with their teacher, where they use a shared text to work on individual reading goals and decoding strategies.
In Writing students are becoming more familiar with the structure and features of ‘Procedural Texts’ and have been using language experiences in class to develop a broader vocabulary of keywords to incorporate into their procedural writing. This week all year one classes enjoyed making fairy bread and used this experience to assist them in forming their own procedures on ‘How to Make Fairy Bread’.
In Mathematics students are exploring ‘Multiplicative Thinking’ by recognising the connection between multiplication and division by beginning to experiment with the concept of ‘Sharing’. Students have been using real-world scenarios and concrete materials to share a collection of items within a number of given groups. Students used the text ‘The Doorbell Rang’ to guide them in sharing cookies evenly within groups of people.
For Inquiry, we are continuing to work through UOI 4 ‘Where we are in Place and Time’ by inquiring into ‘what life was like in the past’ and ‘how our community has changed over time’. Students are engaged in comparing and contrasting topics such as school, toys, technology, and homes from the past to now. We also appreciate all families who supported their children in the additional homework task, in which students were asked to interview a grandparent or family member on what their life was like at school when they were young. This helped students compare their family member’s responses to their own.
Kind regards,
The Year One Team.