
A key component of the focus on Childhood Mental Health is Child Wellbeing:- this is something we are passionate about here at St.Bernard's and the development of Social Emotional understanding and skills is a daily focus that is equally important as our student learning.
The introduction of the MHiPS program in our school is to strengthen the approaches we already have and further equip our teachers to understand and identify potential Mental Health issues and provide appropriate support ,resources and referral to relevant community services.
What is Wellbeing? :
The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as:
"... a positive state experienced by individuals and societies. Similar to health, it is a resource for daily life and is determined by social, economic and environmental conditions. Well-being encompasses quality of life and the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose"
The following diagram provides a clear overview of what Encompasses Child Well-Being.
Next time I will focus on the concept of 'FLOURISHING' and how that impacts on our Well-Being
Wishing you all a great week to follow
Liz Nelson
Mental Health and WellBeing Leader
Have you moved house, changed work or work mobile number, or has your family situation changed?
Please Update Your Details in PAM
All families are asked to log into the online Parent Access Module (PAM) to update any information and respond to any requests.
PAM is a vital tool to ensure solid partnerships between home and school to support learning. Please check your account regularly.
If you require assistance with logging into PAM, please contact our school office.