
What a fun start to Science we had last week, with an introduction to Physical Science which involved using lots of resources to investigate force and motion - pushing and pulling!
In Term 3, all levels will be investigating Physical Science and their units of work are as follows:-
Foundation - On The Move Why do things move?
The universe, and everything in it, is continuously moving and changing.
Movement and change are concepts that we need to understand to make sense of the world around us.
They are linked to concepts of energy and force. Scientists and engineers apply these concepts to study the performance of athletes and in the design of toys, cars and spacecraft.
Grade 1/2 - Look!Listen!
Light and sound surround us, bringing a wealth of information about our world.
We use light and sound to communicate with each other.
Sounds can be as different as beautiful music or screaming sirens.
Light can transmit the pictures from a television screen or the expressions on someone’s face.
Almost continuously, light and sound affect what we think and do, and how we feel.
Grade 3/4 - Heating up
Heat is important to us in many ways in our everyday lives.
We use heat in practical ways, such as drying our hair, cooking our dinner and warming our water.
We enjoy the feel of the Sun’s warmth on our skin on a spring day or the satisfying warmth of holding a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night.
But we also know about the dangers of heat and react instinctively when we touch a hot stove or walk barefooted on hot sand.
However, heat also preoccupies us. We worry about things being too hot or too cold—the daily temperature, our coffee, our food, the water in the shower, how we sleep.
Grade 5/6 - Light shows
What would our lives be without light?
We need it to see everything we do in every moment of the day.
We rely on light to read a book, cross the street, admire artwork, watch the sunset and look into faces.
Light plays a role in some of our most sophisticated technology. It enables us to play music from a CD or record movies.
High- speed optical cable is used in our communications.
Lasers are employed in cutting-edge surgery and defence.