Principal's message

"The apostles returned and told Jesus everything. He said to them, "Let us go off by ourselves where we will be alone and you can rest." So they started out in a boat for a lonely place. People saw them leave and they ran ahead by land. When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw the crowd and he was filled with pity for they were like sheep without a shepherd." Mk 6:30 -34.
Jesus wanted these people to be guided in the ways they should live their lives, he wanted to show them how to be people of faith serving, protecting and nurturing in their lives of service for others.
Last week our school community received a letter from the St. Patrick's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, thanking everyone for their expressions of compassion and generosity to those in Wangaratta who are struggling this winter. They greatly appreciated our donation of money, blankets, socks, beanies and scarves to help keep people warm this winter.
This is our school community being people of faith in action. Thank you.
Dear Parents,
This week we have our parent teacher interviews, a great opportunity for you to speak with your child's progress at school with regards to social and academic.
It's the perfect opportunity for you to share with the teacher any information that will assist your child's teacher to meet their needs more closely.
For parents of children in grade three and five your child's teacher will also provide the Naplan report to you.
We remind all parents to check their children's jumpers and jackets for clearly marked name tags. Our lost property is often overflowing.
Have a great week everyone
Patricia Boak