Teaching and Learning

Active Schools
As part of our Physical Education Program and the Active Schools Initiative, we have been participating in sessions at Jett's Gymnasium on Thursday afternoons. Our students have had the opportunity to use a range of gymnastic equipment such as balance beams, rings, uneven bars, trampolines and springboards. The sessions help with coordination, confidence, strength and flexibility as well as provide challenges for each student to do their personal best.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
Our Integrated Studies topic on Indigenous Australians has seen us building our knowledge about the concept of "Country" and the various flags that represent Australia. We are also beginning work on Creation and Dreamtime Stories. The students have also made an Indigenous Seasons Calendar and they were able to apply their knowledge of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring and relate this to the Indigenous seasons in particular regions.
In Mathematics our focus has primarily been around number, place value and the operations. Students have been learning about counting patterns and number sequences. They have loved using number lines to skip count, perform addition and subtraction and for the older students, learn about negative numbers.
A special congratulations to Elliot who has now completed over 100 days of Prep. Last week the whole school celebrated her milestone with a special cake and certificate. Our Mathematics session for that day focused on the number 100, with all students finding different ways to represent this number.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
When learning to follow directions, we do it Mario Kart Style. In order to see if the students know their left and right, and compass directions, they were tasked with creating a set of directions for others to follow on their maps. The idea was to get their Mario Kart characters from one spot on the map to another. They had to take the perspective of the driver into account when making their directions which was quite challenging. In the end, all characters got to their destinations with minimal accidents. Yahoo!
Despite our new cubby being a massive hit, the kids have decided to attempt their own. Using sticks, twigs, branches longs grass and a whole bundle of teamwork, they have managed to create something really special.
Art News from Miss Duffy
The students have begun working on their Coliban Water, Water Week Posters and these will be submitted to Coliban Water for judging later in the term. The theme this year was Water For Everyone, and the students came up with come creative and original ideas to include in their posters.
The remainder of this term sees us working in the area of Textiles. Student will explore and create pieces of work using a range of fabrics, cottons, wool and other materials. We can not wait to show you our work! Yesterday we tried our hand at stitching patterns and pictures onto hessian. The students are extremely proud of their work so far.
Music in Term 3
Music sessions have continued to run throughout our week. Mr Collins has been teaching our students about time and beats in music and the students are beginning to be able to read notes and interpret music in order to tap out a rhythm. Miss Duffy has been taking music appreciation with the students describing how particular pieces of music make them feel and move; students are also learning about different genres of music each week- so far we have covered Jazz and Classical Music.