From the Office

News From the Principal
Junior Public Speaking Competition
We could not be more proud of our Year Three to Six students who competed last Sunday afternoon in the Lions Club Public Speaking Competition. These wonderful students have worked hard in class to draft, revise and practice their speeches. They also spent a great deal of their own time outside of school to memorise their speeches and use an engaging tone and gestures. All five of the students who attended did us proud. Although nervous, they all spoke with confidence, clarity and in an engaging way.
It is not easy to speak in front of an audience, especially when there are many people there that you don't know, but putting yourself outside of your comfort zone and showcasing your hard work is an important skill that will be needed in their future years..
A special thank you to the families and wider community who attended the competition on Sunday, your support meant a lot to our students. I would also like to commend our students on their support and encouragement towards each other, you guys really are a team!
Congratulations to Skylar and Kiara who both were judged the Runners Up in their age group. What an amazing achievement!
Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey 2024
This online survey is available to complete online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024. On Monday each school family will have received a personalised invitation with log in details to complete the survey.
The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and outcomes.
We ask that if each family could please take the time to complete this survey, it is open for four weeks and will take no more than 20 minutes.
Given that next year is a review year for our school, it is so important that we have a good response rate and data to present to the reviewers to demonstrate that our families are engaged with our school and want it to thive into the future.
Melbourne Museum Excursion
This whole-school excursion is taking place next Wednesday (August 8th). A reminder that we require all students to meet at the Bendigo Railway Station at 6.45am so we can board the train that leaves at 6:53am. (We can not wait for any late comers). We expect to return on the train that gets into Bendigo Station at 4:56pm (but will update families when of an exact arrival time once we are on the train).
The purpose of this excursion is to view the Indigenous Galleries and displays at the Melbourne Museum. We are also booked into the dinosaur gallery (because no trip to the museum is complete without at visit to see the dinosaur bones!). All of the details that families need are on uEducateus, if you are yet to give permission please do so by tomorrow.
School Photos
Families would have now each received a photo order package. A reminder that orders will need to be in prior to photo day (Wednesday August 14th). Payment information is on the package. Please note that payment should not be deposited into our school account as all funds need to go directly to the photography studio. If you have any questions about school photos and orders please contact Lisa or Bree.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy