Health & PE Update

Olympic Fever has hit JPPS!
Each morning the gym has been open for students and parents to come and catch up on the highlights of competition from the previous night. Swimming, Gymnastics and Basketball have been favourites, along with catching all the medal winners.
In PE, Level 3,4& 5 have all participated in the JPPS Mini Olympics. Keep an eye on our records windows for the outstanding results. Events included ‘Archery’, ‘Swimming’, (nerf) Javelin, Hockey, Soccer Finska, Basketball Shooting, Egg & Spoon Obstacle Course and Standing High Jump.
Wattle View Primary Mini Olympics
On Thursday 8 August our House Captains and School Captains all made the trek to Wattle View Primary School in Ferntree Gully. We spent the day helping run their Mini Olympics to assist Miss Little (Past JPPS classroom teacher).
Events included Nerf Javelin, Velcro Ball Archery, 4 Wheel Skateboard ‘Swimming’, Basketball Shooting, Hockey, Soccer Finska, Obstacle Course, Mini Marathon, Egg & Spoon Relay and Bean Bag Shot Put.
Our leaders did a great job outside their comfort zone, teaching and managing the activities, scoring and engaging the Wattle View students in a friendly and respectful way.
Kaboom Sports
On Tuesday the preps, ones, twos and threes had Kaboom, there was lots of games like throwing, kicking and rolling. We had a great time. There was also lots of music and fun songs. Rhea S 2B
I liked the dancing at the start, especially the teacher dance! Jess T 3C
Thank you for the Kaboom day, I really liked seeing my friends from other classes!
Zoe K 3C
On Tuesday the 6 of August the preps, ones, twos and grade threes all participated in the KABOOM sports incursion. I liked how you could make new friends from other grades/classes. Ashan M 3C
Downball Championships
Next week we have a team of 50 students heading off to compete in the State School Championships run by Downball Australia. The team is made up of predominantly Level 3,4,& 5 students who competed in our Downball competition. After the preliminary rounds our 4 square finalists were:
Level 3: Brandon T, Archer C, Mav B, Vinnie H. Champion: Brandon T
Level 4: Hodge T, Charlie D, Nathon Y, Aarav L. Champion: Nathan Y
Level 5: Ayden J, Leo D, Xavier W, Rhys H. Champion: Ayden Ji
If sport and being physically active is your thing then JPPS is the place to be in Term 3.
The following is a list of some of the activities on offer for different year levels across the term.
- Tue 13th Aug- State Downball Comp (Level 3,4,5 & some house captains)
- Wed 21 Aug- Soccer clinics (Level 3 & 4)
- Thur 29th Aug- VIS athlete visit Be Fit Be Well (Level 2-6)
- Tue 3 Sept- District Aths (Level 4,5,6)
- Thur 5 Sept- Wheels for Wishes & Wishes Day (Fundraising Bike/Scooter ride or walk- whole school)
- Fri 6th Sept- District Basketball comp (5&6’s)
- Mon 9 Sept- Level 2 Adventure Day
Still to be finalised are an AFL 9’s competition (Level 5 & 6) and Karate lessons (Foundation).
Throughout the term, Level 3-5 students will participate in an inquiry based project around healthy living and active lifestyles whilst level 6 students have started their SEPEP program where they design and run their own sporting competitions.
Darren Jenkins
PE teacher, School Sport & Student Leadership Coordinator