JP Racing 2024

On the 27 of July about 40 students went down to Sandown Race Track to compete in an action filled HPV race. When I first arrived at the track I was excited but also nervous to ride.
When the race started a huge nervous feeling rushed through my body seeing all the vehicles take off. On the first lap there was a sharp corner that all the fast vehicles flipped on. That made me a little worried about how fast I would be able to go around the corner.
Now it’s my turn to ride, more nerves spiked through my body and all the things that could go wrong running around in my head. I got in the vehicle and went off. As I come around to the sharp corner I realise it’s not that bad and the other vehicles that flipped were just going too fast. I nailed the corner for the first time and every other time after that.
At the back of the track there was a giant hill. It was steep and long, it was a struggle to get up it and my legs hurt every pedal on the last few laps, but I persevered and kept on going. Every time I made it up the hill it was a relief that it was over, and I was entering the end of the lap.
When I got out of the vehicle my legs were shaking and I was so tired. I instantly went and sat down to rest up. Everybody walked past to congratulate me for how well I did while riding.
Throughout the day some of the amazing parents prepared us some hot toasties and delicious noodles. While also supplying some delicious snacks to keep us energised.
Jells Park had a terrific race with our teams finishing in the following positions:
Vanquish 2nd
Phoenix 3rd
Raptor 6th
Shazzam 9th
Thank you to the teachers and parents who helped us throughout the day.
Hudson P 6M