PFA News

Welcome to Term 3. We hope you all had a great break. Let's get buckled up for a fun term!
Wednesday 24th July - PFA Meeting
Senior Campus 7.30pm, all welcome - where all the fun decisions are made!
Thursday 25th July - DOGS Poker Night (6.30pm onwards)
Join the GPS dads for a casual poker night at The Doghouse (Brix Bar) TICKETS ARE LIMITED ($50) AND INCLUDE;
- Entry into the first tournament (jump into other tournaments afterwards if you want to?)
- Pizzas
- Pool Table
- Professional poker dealers to help teach and deal the games
- Drinks at bar prices.
All GPS dads are welcome, and there is no need to have any experience (this will be a friendly game so you won't lose the farm!)
RSVP to for ticket details. Pre-purchased tickets only. No walk-ins on the day, so get in quick for a spot. The last one was a blast.
Saturday 3rd August - GPS Parent Night Out
It’s the night you have been waiting for all year! It's less than 3 weeks away. Saturday 3rd August Stomping Ground Brewery at 7pm. Book your babysitters, your Uber and your tickets now! Tickets are limited so do not wait… ticket includes entry, food and AWESOME ENTERTAINMENT!
Wednesday 7th August- FAIR Meeting
Senior Campus 7.30pm, Come along to clarify sub committees and roles. Fairs are mammoth and to make this one run smoothly we need all hands on deck. Everyone is busy with work and kids so if you just take on a small doable role then we will get more done!
Friday 30th August - Father's Day events
Watch this space for more info about the Father's Day events.