General Information

Information which you need to be aware of.


In the last week of Term 1 the students in Year 3 - 6 participated in a Cross Country trial.  This event helps Mr Geisler to select a team who will represent St John’s at the District Cross Country which will be held on Wednesday May 8th.


On Monday 25th March we held our Junior Races. The students ran in their house colours and were cheered on by the crowd which included many parents. Congratulations to our Year 6 Leaders on the wonderful job they did organising and running the event. You can see from the pictures below how much fun everyone had. 


On Friday 22 March we celebrated with the rest of Australia, National Ride to School Day. We saw around 150 students ride a bike or scooter to school, with another 50 students taking the opportunity to walk to school. A special thanks to Jill Stephenson who runs our Bike Education Program. See if you can spot your family and friends in the images below. 


Each term we hold a practise drill, where we create an emergency scenario and practise as a school responding quickly and calmly. For our Term One drill we practised evacuating the building. All people present gathered quickly and calmly on the basketball court, as you can see from the photo below. 


Our Year 5 and 6 students travelled to various locations around Wyndham, to compete with students from several other local schools. Congratulations to all the students on the positive way they approached the day and the tremendous sportsmanship they displayed. Thanks also to Mr Geisler for organising the event. 

Carparking - Council Line Marking

The City of Wyndham Council has completed line marking works around the perimeter of the school to define parking bays for parents at drop off an pick up times.

This will dramatically increase the available parking spaces for parents during the busy times on the school day.

We ask that parents observe these allocated parking slots and do not double park when picking up of dropping of their children.


The school is currently looking at budgeting for the 2025 year. Part of this involves the review of school running costs. It is envisaged that the school family fee will increase by around $70 and the student levy by $10.


Please see our proposed fee structure below for 2025. This will be confirmed later in the year.




Each Friday the students gather for a whole school assembly in the Hall.  This event is usually streamed to our Vimeo channel.  Families can view assembly by clicking on the link which is emailed via your Operoo profile. The email only goes to those parents who have ‘“receive correspondence” checked in their settings.


Coming up on Sunday April 21st Thomas Carr College is having our Open Day.

Please see the attached flyer for more information.



As part of our ongoing commitment to child safety, we have an Online Safety Parent Hub. The Parent Hub provides a wealth of online safety resources such as; digital parenting guides, app reviews and articles.  These are developed by a team of leading digital safety and wellbeing experts. Plus, families have access to free parental control tools to help keep children safe while using their personal devices.  Content on the hub is constantly updated and added to, so parents should try to get into the habit of visiting this regularly especially as new online social media platforms and games are released.


To access the Online Parent Hub, simply go to the Student Wellbeing Tab at the top of our School Website and click on the Online Safety Parent Hub.  The bottom of this page is where you enter the Hub.


The St John’s School Advisory Council was established in 2022.  The role of this group is to support the Principal, Parish Priest and leadership team of the school.  We welcome Melissa Campbell-Matulich who has joined the advisory council as a representative of the parent community. The school is still seeking a person who is willing to represent the parish of St Andrew's at this meeting. Anyone who feels they could assist in this role please let theschool know.


Thanks once again to our Advisory Council members for their ongoing commitment to our school community.  Members of the council give parents ‘a voice’ in advising the principal about important matters related to the ongoing education of the students.  The Advisory Council meets six times over the year each meeting limited to a 90 minute duration.  


Below are the scheduled meeting dates for the remainder of the year:  

  • Tuesday, 30th April at 7pm
  • Tuesday, 28th May at 7pm
  • Tuesday 30th July at 7pm
  • Tuesday, 27th August at 7pm
  • Tuesday, 22nd October at 7pm