From the Business Manager

A warm welcome to Jolly Padamada who has recently joined our Cleaning Team. We very much appreciate our dedicated Cleaning staff who work behind the scenes each morning and afternoon.
Board Vacancies
Nominations are now open for Board Director roles at Moama Anglican Grammar. All company members should have received an email with the Position advertisement. Further information is available on our website, including the Company Membership application form and Board Nomination Form. Please note that any interested person who would like to apply for a Board role, must be a Company Member. The Board meets on 30 April, so Company Membership forms need to be submitted prior to this date. Nominations for Board roles close on 3 May 2024. Please contact the Business Manager, Suzanna Barry who is the Company Secretary, if you have any questions.
Mother's Day Raffle
Thank you to the local businesses who are supporting our Mother’s Day raffle. We have some exciting prizes coming in, including a $250 Moama Bowling Club voucher as the first prize! We look forward to sharing details with you in the near future. This is a School fundraiser and money raised will support our future Multi-Purpose Stadium. As advised by Principal Scott Downward at the end of Term 1, planning for the Multi-Purpose Stadium is progressing well. Proposed project details including concept drawings will be provided to the School community in the coming months.
Parents and Friends Association
Towards the end of Term 1 our staff enjoyed a delicious lunch that was catered for by our Parents and Friends Association. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and talents and prepared the amazing feast. Our staff always look forward to our PFA lunches, and very much enjoyed the opportunity to mingle.
Communications & Events
A special thanks to our Communications Team and other members of the Professional and Teaching Staff who have contributed to some outstanding marketing initiatives this year. All families will have received our 2024 and Beyond publication, and hopefully you will have also seen some of our social media campaigns, flyers and videos showcasing student activities and achievements. Our slogan of “Imagine the Possibilities” is a theme for 2024. These initiatives are contributing to strong enrolment growth, which results in enhanced opportunities and resources for our students. Edition 10 of the MAG will be available soon which highlights the growing opportunities our students are enjoying. The MAG also shines a light on 2023 HSC and other recent student achievements, Alumni updates and some key events from late 2023 and early 2024. Make sure you take a read when it lands in your inbox or mailbox!
Suzanna Barry
Business Manager