Leaders Report - Social Justice

What is Project Compassion?

Project Compassion is a community funded Catholic drive (Operated by Caritas) that raises money for projects to give to people in need. It is important to note, that all money raised goes towards these projects as Caritas takes zero percent of the money.


This term we have asked families to donate $2 or more to buy a symbolistic seed packet to put on our wall display (see photo below). These seeds represent the money that our school has raised for project compassion. 



Last Friday we also held a Harmony Day free dress event where students were asked to donate a gold coin donation in order to wear free dress. 


Our school has raised approx $800 (an amazing effort) to donate to this wonderful cause. We would like to thank the school community for their efforts and in particular we would like thank the 5/6 classroom who raised the most funds. A special mention to Mrs Janky for helping organise our drive and for cutting out endless packets of seeds for our display. 


Thanks again for your support.

Archie, Fraser and Olivia (Your Social Justice Leaders)