Class Snapshot - 2/3

Year 2/3 Snapshot


This term we have all become water warriors and we are asking you to join us on this journey.


We have been investigating the sustainability of water at our school. To conserve water at school, buckets of water have been placed underneath the drinking fountains. Every morning, The buckets are placed under the drinking fountains. The water is collected at the end of the day and reused.  Mrs Glen’s veggie garden and the plants and trees at our school are being watered daily from the leftover water. 


We have created some water saving posters which have been displayed around our school.  Please see our posters below.


Here are some helpful tips for conserving water:

  • Turn off the taps after they have been used.
  • Pour the excess water onto the plants.
  • Place buckets under the drinking taps.
  • Fill up your drink bottle halfway, so you don't waste any water.
  • Flush the toilet once.
  • Wash your hands once.