Prep Curriculum News

Term 2, 2024

Prep Curriculum News Term 2, 2024 


Welcome to Term 2!  The Prep Teachers are so proud of the progress the students have made during Term 1.  They are doing an amazing job! 


Term 2 focuses on furthering the student’s academic development now that they have settled into the daily routines of school life, with the continuation and enhancement of many of our programs. We continue with our morning exercises to get our bodies ready for learning and brains switched on for the day. 


Our ‘How We Express Ourselves’ Unit of Inquiry has a Science focus and the students will be involved in a variety of fun, hands on experiments such as ‘Edible Slime’ and ‘Popcorn Observations’. Learning about, ‘Where We Are In Place and Time’ also has many highlights including Grandparents’ Day and Old Fashion Dress Up Day.  We have a very engaging and exciting term ahead!


Units of Inquiry

How we express ourselves

Senses help people explore the world


 Lines of inquiry:

  • The five senses
  • The different ways in which we use our senses
  • The way our senses help us function

 Where we are in time and place

Family histories provide an insight into culture


 Lines of inquiry:

  • Features of a family
  • The way we are influenced by cultural differences of families
  • Changes in family life due to evolving technology


During Term 2, the Prep students will continue to establish their skills in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. 


The SMART Spelling Program will advance, focusing on many new letters/sounds and words though our Word of the Week and Sentence of the Week activities.  The students have been introduced to many aspects of The Daily 5 Literacy Program and will develop their skills through activities including Read to Self, Read to Others and Word Work. 


Our Take Home Reading Program will continue with an emphasis on reading for pleasure, developing the students’ word decoding skills and learning the frequently used Coloured Words.  Students will continue to share their experiences during Circle Time and use these as a basis for their weekly writing. 


When writing, students will be encouraged to be risk takers and write their own words using their knowledge of the letter/sound relationships. 


Show and Tell will continue and is an opportunity for the children to further develop their ‘Speaking and Listening’ skills while making connections to our Unit of Inquiry. 



During Term 2, the Prep students will continue to participate in hands on activities to further develop their understanding of the Number System. The focus will be on consolidating their understanding up to 10 and then beyond.  


Students will develop their ability to read, write and represent numbers in a variety of ways such as models, drawings, in words, on number lines, with fingers, tally marks and on dice.  


They will make and compare collections and will count numbers using number charts. The concept of addition will also be introduced with hands on resources.  Students will use concrete materials to explore and make patterns. 


The children will also learn about the cycle of time including yesterday, today & tomorrow, morning, noon & night and the days of the week. They will learn informal methods of measuring items and use language such as taller and shorter to describe their findings.  


During class iPad sessions, the Preps will utilise the MathSeeds Program to consolidate and further extend their mathematical understandings.

Inclusive Approaches

The Resilience Project

In Term 2, Prep students will continue working on the activities in their Resilience Project workbooks.  These activities offer practical strategies to build resilience and happiness.


We promote the values of Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness (GEM) in all class activities. happiness.  We promote the values of Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness (GEM) in all class activities.

Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile

May: Reflective

June: Balanced

Special events

  • Fire Education Visits- Monday 6th May and Monday 13 May
  • Mother’s and Special Friends Celebration- Wednesday 8 May 
  • Grandparent’s Morning- Thursday 6 June   
  • Old Fashioned Dress Up Day- Tuesday 25 June


Nicole Grant
Sam Murnane
Tania Gibbon
Nicole Grant
Sam Murnane
Tania Gibbon